Workouts of the Week + My Favorite Stretching Routine

Guys! It’s FRIDAY. Let the celebrations begin and the parties get started. If you didn’t catch my drift, it’s been a long week. But long, in the good kind of way. You know those weeks were you arrive at Friday and you are exhausted, but your heart is totally full? This week has been full of blessings, mom dates, late nights working, behind the scenes blog work (more details coming soon!) trips to the library, errand running; and although I’m exhausted, my heart feels so blessed by all of these fun, full, beautiful moments.
Another key item that has filled my week are my workouts! With each passing week, my runs are getting stronger and I feel more like my pre-baby running self. Yay for progress!
Here’s a peek at my workouts this week:
Monday: 2 mile run + stretching (more about this below) + arm video
Tuesday: 3 mile run + stretching + foam rolling
Wednesday: Abs (I used these videos)
Thursday: 3 mile run + stretching + foam rolling
Friday: Planned Pilates video, focused on upper body
Saturday: Planned 5 mile run!
Now – let’s talk about STRETCHING. I’ll be super honest here, it’s only in recent days that I’ve been incorporating stretching into my runs. Sure, I would “stretch” out after a run, but it was very half hearted and I really didn’t do any, to be honest.
However, I’ve realized that I was so wrong. Stretching is so vital to keep our muscles/tendons/ligaments happy and flexible, while preventing future injuries! Ever since starting routinely and specifically adding stretching into my running workouts, I’ve had less aches and pains, less injuries, and less stiffness! Imagine that. 😉
I always make sure to stretch out my hip flexors, IT bands, calves, quads, and hamstrings. Recently, I’ve been adding this video into my stretching routine and I am really enjoying feeling a little more flexibility too!
I hope you guys have a wonderful Friday and a great weekend! I’ll catch you all on Monday!
PS. If you are liking these running and fitness blog posts and want even more personal support from me, make sure to join my free, Facebook, female RUNNING community! I focus on sharing my top running tips, nutrition talk, and injury prevention in this group. If you want to connect with other runners and learn how to become an even better, faster, healthier runner > join by clicking here! Can’t wait to see you there. xoxo
Questions of the Day
- What was your favorite workout this week?
- Has anyone else not incorporated stretching into their runs?
- What is happening this weekend for you guys? I want to hear all about your plans!