WIAW: Sick Day Eats

Welcome back to another round of WIAW! Have no idea what is going on? Check out here! As always, thank you Jen.
So yesterday, I felt pretty miserable. Monday night it really started, but Tuesday morning I woke up with a stuffy nose, tired body, and somewhat of a scratchy throat. I hardly ever get a cold, but when I do, it is no fun. Okay, when is it ever fun? 😉
Since I wasn’t feeling good, I wanted to make sure I ate some really healthy food for me and baby T.
I made a big bowl of oatmeal, an apple, and a cup of red tea for breakfast.
I don’t know how much tea, water, and NUUN I drank yesterday, but I felt like I was floating away last night…
After breakfast, I worked on the blog, cleaned the kitchen, and layed low until lunch time.
Once I realized I was getting hungry, I whipped up some sweet potato fries, kale chips, and veggies.
I also ate some hummus and cheese, but they didn’t make it into the picture.
Apparently, I like green and orange foods?
Around mid afternoon, I started to feel a little better, so I headed to the library. Just in case you are like me and wonder what I got: let me statisfy your curiosity.
Oh yes.
A litte later, I made myself a warm mug of hot cocoa.
It almost looks like coffee. Sigh.
Once Landon got home (yeah, husband home!), I made fried eggs and a kale, broccoli, carrot, and quinoa stir fry.
The stir fry was a “let’s throw everything in the pan and see if this turns out” type of meal. But woah, I would like to make this again. Hopefully, I can remember how I made it!
Later that evening, I finished the day off with one of my chick pea brownies (oh yes) and washed it down with a glass of milk.
Thankfully, this morning, I am feeling much better! For all of you who were praying, thank you so much.
Have a blessed day. Catch you all tomorrow.