Why Skinny Doesn’t Always Mean Healthy

I read this article the other day and it struck a core inside of me. I 110% agree with Lauren Fleshmen, that skinny doesn’t mean that you are strong or fast. In the media saturated, high pressured society that we live in, there is great pressure to look a certain way, eat a certain diet, workout a certain amount of days, and weight a certain amount of pounds. But that is just not the case.

I remember thinking back when I struggled with my eating disorder that if I was just a size 0 or XS or weight a X amount of pounds that I would be a better runner and guess what, it worked. BUT only for a short period of time. I did get faster, but I wasn’t stronger and the speed didn’t last. I lost my period. I got injured, often. I had 0 energy (aside from running, lol). The sad part about the story is that I thought I was strong and fit because of how my body looked, not how it was working.

I didn’t really think that not having my period was a big deal or the fact that getting injured may have something to do with not having enough weight on me. It really wasn’t until a year or two later that I began seeing what strength and health really mean.

Allowing our bodies to work the way they were designed to function is key for health. Not having a period, isn’t okay. Getting easily injured because of being underweight isn’t okay. 

What is okay? Gaining enough weight to find your bodies happy weight. 

Truly living life. 

Enjoying healthy foods and indulgent foods. 

I can truly say, the twenty five to thirty pounds I gained have only made me stronger, healthier, and happier. And although it was scary for me, at first, to let go and trust – I am so glad I did. Not only am I a better runner, I am a better version of myself. 

Instead of focusing on how skinny we need to be, in order to be happy, finally “healthy” or a fast runners, let’s focus on true health and what our bodies can do. 

Sure, I may not be stick skinny like I was before, but my body had the capability to grow a human inside of me and give birth. I have the ability to run ten miles and feel strong while doing it. I have the ability to chase after Benaiah and push him in the stroller, and not feel fatigued. 

These are all reasons to celebrate true health and strength. Let’s not get so caught up with the mirror and scale that we forget what true “health” is. 

Questions of the Day 

  1. How was your weekend??
  2. Thoughts on skinny vs. healthy? 
  3. What is one thing that makes you strong?