What I am Learning in My Motherhood Journey
<< Meditating on how absolutely pure, lovely, and satisfying it is to know Christ and to find my fulfillment in Him. I find that as a wife, mother, and woman, there are countless voices screaming at me to find my joy, my fulfillment or purpose in either my husband, child, career, or image. But, as Christ continues to mold me to make me more like Him, He is continually teaching me that my worth, my purpose, my ultimate satisfaction is deeply rooted in Him. And when I know that, everything else falls perfectly in it’s right place. (I find the Lord teaches me this same lesson over and over and over again…)
So, friend, Jesus is enough. Whatever, season you find yourself in. And He is the only one who satisfies those deep longings, that deep seemingly unquenchable thirst of the human soul.
That is basically what I am learning as a mother. That ultimately my main source of purpose lies deep beyond motherhood, wife’hood’, runner’hood’ and much deeper into who I am. As a Christian, my purpose and identity in Christ gives me purpose and gives me the joy in the midst of the struggles of motherhood.
Because, let’s be honest, motherhood is amazing, beautiful, joyous, and grand, but sometimes it is hard. We, mothers, lose sleep, sacrifice our bodies, and give of ourselves day in and day out. It’s part of the beauty of motherhood, the selflessness that is tied to the calling, but yet, it goes against everything in my selfish, sinful nature. In my journey of motherhood so far, I’m learning that I really, simply, can’t do this in my own strength. I’ve tried, over and over again and it’s always when I try to do it ‘alone’ that I end up frustrated, exhausted, and anxious about every.single.thing. that could possibly go wrong (hello hormones) BUT as I rely on the promise that Jesus will be with me and us, wherever we go, that beautiful things and moments happen.
I am learning that time is precious and moments fade into memories faster than I would like. These past couple weeks of not having a phone (since my was stolen…#badday) have been strangely refreshing. I’m realizing, as my son grows up, that too soon and too quickly the day will come when he won’t need to be cuddled, won’t want to be smothered in kisses, and won’t need me to hold his hand. I want to soak in every moment and enjoy every slobbery kiss.
I am learning to say yes to spontaneous adventures with Benaiah (even if that means we need to leave the house a mess) and to say no to meaningless distractions. I am learning to rest and rely on Christ’s strength and not my own. I am learning to take care of my body so I can be the best version of myself for Benaiah and Landon. I am learning to go with the flow and not to stress out too much when my schedule changes.
Most of all, I am learning that I need Jesus, that I am crazy in love with these roles that God has given me, and that I can’t wait to see what next adventures God has in store for me next, as I rely on His strength – alone.