What I am Learning in an Upcoming Season of Change
Currently, we are in, yet again, another season of change. We are moving in just a couple weeks, expecting a baby in September, and continuing to adjust to a life with an ever-changing, busy toddler boy. Life is full and somewhat unpredictable (especially being pregnant) and yet good. And really it is in these seasons that I think (know) the Lord teaches me the most about Him and how I so often look to external things (Landon, family, running, home) for security and stability. And while it isn’t bad to find joy in all of those things, I have been learning (I feel like this is something the Lord teaches me all.the.time.) that the Lord is my only constant and my deepest needs and longings must be found in Him alone – not in what time Landon comes home from work, or where we live, or how long Niah naps, or how my runs go.
Really, all of this upcoming change in our lives right now is beyond exciting. We are SO excited about our sweet little one joining us in September and we are also so excited about moving, yet in this season of a little chaos and uncertainty, I am learning to lean into my only constant, Christ and find my rest (emotionally and physically) in Him.
So here’s to the beautiful bits of chaos called life, the exciting changes, the ever changing schedules, and the beauty of day by day, Jesus needing living. Here’s to all the new, adventures awaiting ahead!
- How do you handle change? Love it? Hate it? or somewhere in between?