Weekend Recap: Running, Church, Family, and Friends

Since this is a weekend recap though, let’s rewind to Friday…
Friday, my lovely sister in law, Nikki and I went out for a girls day/ birthday celebration. We found some cute clothes at Ross and enjoyed Panera for lunch.
Does anybody else love the fact that Panera gives you almost half a baguette with lunch?
Panera = carb lovers rejoice!
After lunch, Nikki and I found a fantastic movie (BBC!)
This is a “sequel” of sorts, to Pride and Prejudice. The movie was a three part mini series, a mystery, and love story all in one. Gotta love that!
After Nikki left, Landon and I had our date night: complete with a homemade meal, a music jam session, a game, and a movie.
Saturday morning, Landon and I slept in, had devotions, and ran five miles.
Landon is such a good motivator! Even though it was a colder run, five miles felt glorious- especially after resting my legs for a couple days.
After our run, we worked on our taxes (yeah, taxes) and had a random, snacky dinner.
Sunday morning we spent at church, visiting with friends and spending time in worship.
Later that day, we spent time with family at Landon’s grandmas and grandpas. I love their sense of humor and their passion for the Gospel!
Another activity I squeezed in on Sunday: painting my nails. I managed not to chip them yet, score for me!
I have decided I am officially obsessed with this color.
I also made some healthy brownies, thanks to Armin.
These turned out delicious, fudgy, and the best part: they were super easy to make. (3 ingredients!)
Sunday evening, Landon and I played Domion – we ended up typing with a score of 1 win for Bethany and 1 win Landon.
This weekend was needed. I am so grateful to spend time with those whom I love, run, eat good food, and relax before the week starts!
Hope you all had a great weekend! Catch you tomorrow for a 16 week bump date!