Weekend Happenings
So, if you are dying to know: here’s what you missed. Saturday, Landon and I spent the day together, being pretty productive. (Yeah for productivity!) Landon was preaching on Sunday, so he spent most of the day working on his sermon. I tried really hard not to distract him. (You’ll have to ask him how I did!)
In order to distract myself, I spent time in the kitchen and made lentil tacos.
Let me inform you, these are way better than they look or sound!
After Landon finished his preparation, we ate dinner, played checkers (he slaughtered me), and watched an episode of Hawaii 5-O. So far, I am enjoying the show! The scenery is absolutely gorgeous. I would love to vacation in Hawaii- some day.
Sunday morning, I made breakfast, got ready for church and rushed out the door. Landon did a great job preaching (I was so proud of him!)
(Landon’s serious driving face 😉 )
You didn’t miss too much Sunday afternoon folks. Landon and I made a trip to Woodmans, spent time together, played a board game, (this time I won! Victory.) ate dinner, and watched another episode of Hawaii 5-O.
Although it was a “low key” weekend and my recap sounded pretty boring, it was perfect. It was perfect because we got to spend time together laughing, teasing each other, and catching up. It’s these moments that I cherish.
Questions of the day:
1. What did your weekend look like?
2. Do you like busy weekends, slow weekends, or a mixture of both?
3. Do you like lentils and what is your favorite way to eat them?
Comment below and share!