Tuesday adventures as a mom of two
This past couple of weeks I finally feel we are getting back into our rhythms and routines and man, does that feel good. I honestly didn’t know what to expect when I went solo with the kiddos, but the last couple of weeks have gone well (although not without their moments of tears and frustration) and I’m feeling encouraged and inspired.
Tuesday was one of our typical days- nothing too crazy, but that feeling of everyday special rhythms make me feel so good, I wanted to recap how the days are going around here so far.
Okay, so Tuesday didn’t start off on such a “beautiful” note. I woke up at 6 to Benaiah crying/screaming because he wanted to wake up. This kid would never sleep if you would let him. Thankfully, after some team work between Landon and I, he went down for another hour while I prepped Landon’s breakfast and said some frantic prayers/had my devotions.
Thank goodness, midway through some devotions one of my friends, Natalie saying that her plans for the day fell through and she was able to get together. Hallejluah for mom friends. Benaiah stayed in his room until 7 and once he was awake, we ate a quick breakfast, I finished my workout, and we all headed to the breakfast table.
Once we ate a quick breakfast of oatmeal and smoothies, we headed over to Natalie’s for a quick play date. What I am learning as a toddler mom (one of many things…) you don’t get time to talk. Natalie and I were able to catch up, through the endless conversations with the boys. But, I would trade it for the world. After playing for a couple hours, we headed to our favorite coffee spot.
When we lived close to My Half the Sky, Benaiah and I would try to go around one time a week for a special Benaiah/mommy date. Now, Eliana has joined the tradition and we warmed ourselves, after a cold grocery stop, with latte (for me) and the best toast for Benaiah.
We drank our coffee and ate our toast together, enjoying each other’s company and all of the hundreds of questions and then we headed to another favorite spot – the train museum. Technically, it is just a historical museum that has trains in the basement, but Niah loves visiting and watching the miniature train set go around and around. I love it because there are hardly any people around. The peace and quiet does my soul good.
The rest of the afternoon was a blur of unloading groceries, dinner prep, and eating a quick dinner of spaghetti squash and meatballs before an early bed time for a very tired boy. So thankful for these days as a mom of two – amidst all of the crazy and non stop activity is sweetness and tender moments and I seriously can’t believe how much I love it.