To my Boy on His 3rd Birthday
I didn’t think I could love you more than I did a year ago and I have realized just how wrong I was. Each day I love you more and watching the wonder of simple every day moments fill your eyes makes everything worth it. This year is different with a sibling joining us soon and I am so thankful that you will get to be a big brother. I know that you will be the best big brother and I am eager to see you fulfill that role. I have loved all of our special mommy and Benaiah moments together. So many trips to the library, so many runs, so many races, so many coffee dates, so many construction sights, and play dates, soccer games, park visits, book filled afternoons, and so much more. The past three years have been some of the most beautiful and special three years of my life and watching you grow has brought me so much joy.
I love hearing you say, “Praise the Lord,” and hearing you learn to memorize Scripture is so special. Watching you go from barely walking and talking to now climbing and spewing out full on paragraphs is amazing. I, and we (mommy and daddy) are so proud of the boy you are becoming and we pray that most importantly you will love Jesus with your whole heart. We also are praying for you that you would use your gifts and passions to glorify Jesus and bless others. That you wouldn’t be afraid, but be strong and courageous – boldly living out the cause of Christ and savoring the beauty of life. I can’t believe what a blessing you are to me and what a blessing you are to daddy and so many other people and as excited as I am that you are growing up and hitting milestone after milestone, I can’t help but tear up too knowing that you aren’t a baby anymore and you won’t always need me. But, I hope you know I will always love you and be with you. We have so many more exciting adventures to share together and I am so eager to watch you grow in years and in wisdom – but please, don’t grow up too fast. Stay little for a while longer and please play dirt with me and sing songs with me and let’s stop and stare at construction vehicles together.
You are such a blessing my boy, my first born. I love you so much and am so thankful God made me your mommy, three years ago.
What a gift you are.