Thinking out Loud XIV

1. My hair has a mind of its own. I tried to straighten it, and it decided to curl on me…again.. Oh well!
2. I put together a collage of pictures to post on my ‘Lulu Food’ section of my blog. I knew not everyone was going to see it, so I had to post it again. Isn’t it pretty?
3. I also made a banner for my Sweet Treat section! Improvements make me happy.
4. Green smoothies have hit the spot lately. I used to have them almost every single day. Recently however, I drank one when I was sick and since then it hadn’t sounded too good. Thankfully, they have made a comeback and I am happy to say, I am on the green smoothie train again!
5. My little student asked to take a goofy picture….this is what happened.
6. I’ve been loving using the treadmill. The Midwest has been ridiculously cold, which means the treadmill and I have had some quality bonding time. I don’t mind it, but at the same time, I cannot wait to get back outside.
7. Speaking of running, I’m off for a run, devotions, and business calls. Catch you all later!