There is Hope, Mama: Postpartum Anxiety Encouragements
Before having Niah, I never knew what anxiety felt like. But, afterwards, I experienced it in a very real, very heavy way. Praise Jesus that through counseling and friends and family pouring into my life and his healing grace, I ‘recovered,’ within a couple months, but it did take time. And there were days that felt so long and so lonely and like it would never end. The anxious thoughts. The fear. The anxiety. All of it.
And I just want to encourage you, mama, if you are struggling with this > that there is hope. You will one day, again, feel normal. Do not give up hope. A simple encouragement to anyone facing this: Reach out to people who you love and love you for help. Do not let shame and fear hold you back. Know you are not alone, you are loved and you are safe.
Now that I am on the other side of postpartum anxiety, I have a better appreciation for what a gift it is to live without anxiety and how normal days are so special and such a blessing. Take heart, mama, that if you are struggling, KNOW that the normal days WILL come back and you will feel happy again. It is a long journey and it can be so scary, but remember that you are loved and safe. One of the things that Landon would say to me a lot, when I was having hard days, was “You are safe.” Those simple words “You are safe,” brought such comfort to me. Knowing that with him by my side and through Jesus’ strength, I was and I was okay. I wasn’t a bad mom and Benaiah was safe too.
A verse that I meditated on a lot during those couple hard months was, “Psalm 34:14 “I sought the Lord and He delivered me from all my fears, those who look to Him are radiant and there faces will NEVER be ashamed.”
Remembering that I am Christ’s and His promises of deliverance was so healing during that time. And He does deliver and He does heal and He will for you too. Trust that, lean into that and rest in the beauty of His grace. And as you rest in His grace, keep hopeful, know that the days of normalcy will come again, and until then, watch funny movies, meditate on His words, laugh, soak in those baby snuggles, reach out for help, and surround yourself with people who truly, deeply, unconditionally love you.
Cheering for you. You are safe.