The First Run on My New Treadmill (!!) and My Protein Bite Addiction: A Day in the Life of #2

I had so much fun sharing a sneak peak into what a typical day in the life of Bethany looks like, that I thought I would share another peek into a random Tuesday at the Thompson household.
Let’s start at the beginning (a very good place to start…)
Tuesday morning was magical. I woke up before Benaiah, made Landon a smoothie, and quickly threw on my running gear because…we got a treadmill; which meant it was running day for me! I am so excited to have finally have a treadmill. As much as I love running outside, the convenience of a treadmill is a huge blessing!
Benaiah slept for the entire run, (just over two miles) and woke up just as I was finishing up stretching/yoga. Once he was fully awake, I scooped him up and fed him breakfast while I had my devotions. After I was finished reading, Niah and I read his picture Bible and shortly afterwards I whipped up myself my typical breakfast.
Protein smoothie- bet you didn’t see that coming. 😉
After breakfast, Benaiah and I finished up our morning duties with checking some work emails, cleaning the house, and playing.
Our morning flew by and shortly after I was showered, Landon came home for lunch. Niah is starting to get so excited when Landon walks through the door and that makes me so happy.
I promise, there is more than lettuce in the bowl. Why do the toppings always fall to the bottom? Lunch consisted of a large chickpea + sunflower seeds + Parmesan cheese + raisin salad with chips and guacamole on the side. Quick question- are you a chips and salsa or chips and gauc person? As much as I love salsa, I think guacamole takes the cake for me.
After drowning myself in guacamole, I washed it down with my usual afternoon cup of coffee while I worked on laundry. I took advantage of the time Landon was home to get a pile of laundry washed/dried and a couples bags of extra Benaiah clothing out to my car. We’ve been so blessed by hand-me-downs for Niah, but I did have to get rid of some. He was taking over the closet and mama couldn’t let that happen. 😉
Niah and I spent the rest of the afternoon playing with his toys, reading a few stories, and napping. This little man loves to nap on mom and I really enjoy it too. It’s a good excuse for me to slow down and rest with him.
He also decided to try to grab the camera and see what all the fuss was about. I’m pretty sure I snacked on some cheese sometime between lunch and dinner and Benaiah also snacked a couple times too.
Once Landon came home I finished making dinner while he ran on the treadmill. Niah watched dad run and was quite amused. Yay for free baby entertainment!
Also, let’s take a moement to appreciate Landon’s running form!! I love that he loves to run.I knew we were meant for each other, babe.
After Landon cleaned up from his treadmill run, we enjoyed dinner (that I forgot to take a picture of.) We ate a hearty and warm dinner of sauteed chicken + onions + peppers served over quinoa with a side of roasted sweet potatoes (for me, regular potatoes for him) and roasted carrots. YES.
Pre-roasted veggies. (If you follow me on Instagram, you saw the cooked version of these babies.)
Once we finished dinner, I made a quick trip to the library and we finished our evening with eating one three of my protein bites (I may or may not be addicted to these) over our evening cup of coffee and an episode of Fixer Upper. (My current favorite show.) If your reading this Joanna, I would like to formally invite you over to our place to decorate for me. Please and thank you.
And that’s a wrap of a typical Tuesday! I hope your Wednesday is great guys. Catch you all tomorrow.
Questions of the Day
- If you had to choose one, what would it be- guacamole or salsa?
- Does anyone else love to run on the treadmill?
- What did you eat for dinner last night?