The Art of Balancing Food Freedom and Fitness Goals
As someone who has gone through an eating disorder, I am super passionate about approaching food with a BALANCED and FREE mindset. In the same hand, I’m also passionate about approaching nutrition with wisdom and with my goals in mind. And so often, I find so many people living in the ‘either,’ ‘or’ mentality. But, I want to suggest, that you can have both. Both, discipline and freedom.
How does this look?
Let’s explore…
Last year, the more I’ve learned about nutrition, food, running and overall health, I’ve learned about the importance of just what you put in your body. I know, I know, I’ve realized this fact for a long time, but this year, I’ve learned how much of a game changer strategic nutrition can be for my running and fitness goals.
For me, this means being more aware of what I’m putting in my body and how it affects my goals. For instance, last year I started tracking macros and carb cycling so I could have an even clearer picture at just what I was consuming and how macros (timed rightly) can totally make a 167% difference in my fitness goals.
However, through last year I learned too, that macro tracking and carb cycling or not the end-all. I believe that you can still track/ carb cycle, while still living in food freedom. What this looks like for me practically speaking, was/is being disciplined with my food choices and macro tracking, while still being able to enjoy food without guilt or shame, and be spontaneous when it’s appropriate.
I never want my food choices or my diet to impact the way I live among people or socialize or develop relationships. Often times, memories and relationships are built through gathering on the table and sharing a meal. And while I may have running and nutrition goals, I never want to put those at the expense of another person’s feelings or situation. So sometimes this looks like having less ‘structured’ weeks while on vacation or enjoying a cookie with a friend (even if on a low carb day.) Other days, this looks mindfully eating according to my high and low carb days and enjoying more treats on my high carb/ high intensity workout days.
The point I am trying to make is this. You can have balance and freedom, while still chasing after fitness goals. It isn’t an either – or. It is a both – and. My hope for myself and others is that we may be able to embrace the good gift of food and nutrition, enjoying treats, enjoying freedom, while still striving toward goals and a balanced lifestyle (in all areas.)
It isn’t about perfection. It isn’t about eating the healthiest out of everyone. And it certainly isn’t about restriction. It’s about approaching food with a balanced mindset. Knowing what is going to help you in all areas of life. Some days, for me, a pint of Halo Top is just as healthy as a bucket of kale. My hope is that we all find freedom with food. That we can stop being afraid of certain foods and also stop not caring about what we put in our bodies.
I think, part of me is still learning and growing in how I view food (on this side of ed recovery.) But one thing I do know for sure, food is important and vital for our health and should not be feared. It also is important for physical health (so what we do choose to eat affects our health.)
So, here’s to a 2018 of continually growing and learning about health and nutrition and chasing after goals, while still walking in food freedom and enjoying food. Because I want myself, my clients, and you to be able to both enjoy and SAVOR those big kale salads and ice cream cones.
Questions of the Day
- How do you approach food/ nutrition?
- What is you favorite thing to eat lately?
- Do you macro count or carb cycle?