Tag: My life

We’ve Got a Champion and Six Mile Runs (Weekend Recap)

Is it just me or is the entire US having internet issues? The past two days, we’ve had zero wifi here, the libraries internet was beyond slow and spotty and my WordPress site was having major issues. Talk about annoying. It is so hard to 

Food Freedom in a World of Dieting

    Food. It never used to be such a big deal to me until I was 16. Before I was that golden age, I never really thought much about food, nutrition, and never once thought of restricting my meals. Often times, I would eat 

Staying Fashionable and Functional with Cleo Madison

Staying Fashionable and Functional with Cleo Madison

You know when you find those online store gems and are just sucked right in. That’s what happened to me when Cleo Madison, a new to me clothing company, reached out to my inbox. I was immediately intrigued by there name (hello, isn’t that name 

Top Four Weekend Highlights

Top Four Weekend Highlights

Hello there friends and happy Monday to you! I always love the fresh start that Mondays bring, and although I am kind of craving an extra day for just ‘nothing,’ a fresh beginning of a new week does feel good. I hope your weekend was 

Current Reads, New Shoes and Trips to the Park – Friday Favorites: 9/21

Hey, hey friends and happy FRIDAY! I am super excited for this weekend. It’s going to be jam packed with a trip to see my sister (IN CONCERT!) on Saturday and then a wedding on Sunday! Since our marathon festivities took place over the weekend 

So Now What…? Plus Life Happenings

I am pretty sure post-marathon blues are a thing. Because I am having a weird mixture of feelings post-race. I feel excited and happy it’s over, that I did it without dying and with a decent time, while sad that I don’t get to do 

One Year Old.

One Year Old.

And in what seems like a breath of a year, my baby boy is one. I am going between weepy/emotional to excited all in one day. It happened like everyone told me it would, it passed by in a blur. I really can’t fathom how 

10 Things I Do to Push Through Hard Runs

10 Things I Do to Push Through Hard Runs

Training for a marathon inventively means there will be numerous runs, long, short, easy and hard. I think that is actually one of the things I love about running – many times, running is unpredictable. During this training cycle alone, I’ve had many really good 

A Typical Tuesday in the Thompson Household

A Typical Tuesday in the Thompson Household

Good morning to all my favorite readers. I hope you guys have had a great week so far. Landon and I celebrated our two year wedding anniversary last night and we have plans to finish celebrating, this weekend! I’m planning on just making it a 

Another Long Run Weekend + A Sunday of Rest

Another Long Run Weekend + A Sunday of Rest

Hey there friends and good morning to you on this crazy Monday. I knew it was going to be an, let’s call it, ‘exciting’ day when Niah woke up on the wrong side of the crib. He isn’t usually fussy, but today was an exception!