Tag: My life

Happy Days…

Happy Days…

“These happy days are yours and mine, these happy days are yours and mine, my happy days…” > Name that TV show! Talk about a throwback… side note, when we were growing up, we would sneak downstairs, early in the morning to watch the Beverly 

Friday Favorites

Hello and happy Friday! Let’s take a minute to celebrate the fact that we made it to Friday! WOohoo! Honestly, this week has FLOWN by and I cannot believe we are already approaching the weekend. I am looking forward to a weekend full of relaxation, a 

A Carolina Vacation

A Carolina Vacation

Well hello there friends and happy Wednesday! I’m excited to dive into today’s post and share our most recent adventure with you all! Last week, Landon, Benaiah and I left for vacation and escaped from the frigid Illinois temperatures to balmy, breezy South Carolina. This 

Embracing the Gift of Motherhood

Embracing the Gift of Motherhood

Wow. Being a mom is amazing. And breath taking. And plain old hard, in ways. A couple weeks ago, when Benaiah was sick, I seriously was throwing up desperate prayers of help. I don’t know if my patience is less than others, but woah, a 

My Favorite Soundtrack, EVER + Halo Top for Days: Friday Favorites

My Favorite Soundtrack, EVER + Halo Top for Days: Friday Favorites

Hello there and happy Friday! I am super excited to be heading into a quiet and restful weekend, with a few sprinkles of activities in there for variety! I’m hoping to get a long run in (before the rest of the house wakes up), work 

Reflections from 2017

Reflections from 2017

Wow. 2017. God taught me so much this year. I learned so much about myself, conquered goals, raised a baby who became a toddler, cried tears, celebrated two blissful years with Landon, drank coffee, ran marathons, and fell in love with Jesus all over again. I entered 2017, in the midst of postpartum anxiety, which felt like a rocky start to 2017. However, it was in that dark place and loneliness that Jesus showed up and showed himself faithful, over and over again.

Balancing Running and Mothering without Losing Your Mind

Balancing Running and Mothering without Losing Your Mind

Yes, running and balancing motherhood is challenging, not every run goes as planned and sometimes I have to cut runs short. BUT, I really believe that the benefits and the memories far surpass the effort it takes to juggle both…

Top Five Weekend Highlights

Top Five Weekend Highlights

And just like that we are back to Monday! I know, I know, I probably say this every Monday morning, but I seriously can’t believe how fast this weekend flew by. We were fairly busy, which I am sure had something to do with it. 

Approaching the Holidays with a Healthy Mindset

Approaching the Holidays with a Healthy Mindset

Back in the depths of my eating disorder, holidays were stressful. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoyed wrapping presents and watching It’s a Wonderful Life, but when it came to food choices, I felt anxious and let the fear of food literally rule my holiday experience. I remember days turning down beautiful, home-cooked meals, with cheap replacements that I thought were, healthy. And in my own, sick mindset, I thought I was the healthy one…

The Gift of Running: What I am Learning and Striving Toward in My Own Running Journey

The Gift of Running: What I am Learning and Striving Toward in My Own Running Journey

If you haven’t caught on by now, I really a romantic at heart. And by a romantic I mean I like to talk a lot and dream up big dreams and chase after goals and smell the roses and ignore details (usually that comes back