Tag: Healthy Living

WIAW: Burrito Pie

You know those dishes that are so simple you forget how simple they are? We have a general rotation of dinners that come and go in the Houston household. Sometimes, it seems like I always choose the most complicated dish to make. When we decided 

WIAW- Typical

Typical. Some would call me that. I like my coffee hot and strong, devotions deep, and runs long. I am a creature of habit until that ‘habit’ becomes boring. Some probably would and could guess what I do daily and eat daily and enjoy daily. It’s not that 

Running Update

And so it begins. The winter is upon us. Saturday morning I woke up early and immediately checked the weather. I was extremely disappointing to see that it read thirty degrees. It was tempting to sleep through the rest of the morning, but I slept 

Barbecue Lentils

Upon request, (ahem Sunnie )  I have my Barbecue lentil recipe up! I really, really enjoy a good barbecue and have an intense passion for barbecue sauce. I created this recipe when I decided I wanted something different from the average sloppy Joe and in honor of my 

WIAW- Celebrating Fall

Welcome back to the WIAW party! Let’s take a look at what I have been doing on lately. By the way, how is it October 1 already? The weather here has been absolutely gorgeous. The cooler weather makes me crave warm soups, candles, sweaters, football, coffee, 

Thinking Out Loud V

1. Coffee is great. It is even better when you have two different drinks from Starbucks in one day. Drink number one : Iced Americano with Organic Vanilla Milk (!) Drink number two: Black Coffee…sometimes simple is best. 2. Drinking coffee is fun by yourself,