Tag: Fuel

Barbecue Lentils

Upon request, (ahem Sunnie )  I have my Barbecue lentil recipe up! I really, really enjoy a good barbecue and have an intense passion for barbecue sauce. I created this recipe when I decided I wanted something different from the average sloppy Joe and in honor of my 

Weekend Things

Weekends. Oh how I love thee. I enjoy the opportunity to re-charge, rest, and refuel for the upcoming week.  Don’t get me wrong, I do love Mondays, I embrace the fresh start, the new week, but when Friday comes I am more than ready for 

WIAW- Favorites

Welcome back to one of my favorite parties! The What I Ate Wednesday Part.  Thanks for hosting, Jenn! Remember What I Ate Wednesday is not about judgement or guilt, but celebrating what we all have in common.  We all eat. While we all celebrate, we 

Honey Wheat Bread

Nothing says fall like warm homemade bread baking in the oven.  When the cooler temperatures arrive, I turn the oven on and get to baking.  Homemade bread is easy to make and just as easy (if not more) to eat.  I prefer Whole Wheat Bread 

Favorite Protein Smoothie

After a hard run or workout, nothing hits the spot like a protein smoothie.  I have played around with many recipes, but this one is my favorite and go to.  I am now stuck in a rut and make this one all.the.time.  This is great 

Tuesday Talk ~ Learning to Rest

I am the kind of person who loves to be on the go.  I don’t like to sit still for very long, even a movie is hard for me to get through unless it’s late at night.  I had been training for a half-marathon for