Tag: Friends

WIAW- Not Many Groceries, Breakfast and Lunch, and Birthdays!

Ever have those days when you open up the fridge, pantry, and your secret drawers (shh), to see what food you can scrounge up? Well yesterday was one of those days. It is was also lacking veggies, because of our lack of groceries. That  was 

Thanksgiving 2014

Psalm 100:4 “Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name!” Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope your day was filled with all the blessings that the Lord gives. I hope you took time to cherish family, eat 

Thinking out Loud VII

1. Let’s take a moment to appreciate that it is now officially red cup season at Starbucks! Call me crazy, but I always feel so festive holding steamy coffee in a seasonal cup. Especially when my hands are donned with fuzzy mittens. Thankfully, weather wise, 

Running Update

And so it begins. The winter is upon us. Saturday morning I woke up early and immediately checked the weather. I was extremely disappointing to see that it read thirty degrees. It was tempting to sleep through the rest of the morning, but I slept 

Tuesday Talks

This is kind of a late weekend update, but I figured I would share my weekend with you all, since it was great. Friday I was able to with my friends to see our friend Britta. Britta recently got married and we were all able 

Weekend Things

Weekends. Oh how I love thee. I enjoy the opportunity to re-charge, rest, and refuel for the upcoming week.  Don’t get me wrong, I do love Mondays, I embrace the fresh start, the new week, but when Friday comes I am more than ready for 

Thursday Thoughts III

Welcome to Thinking out Loud Thursday! Let’s jump right in shall we? 1. Can we just take a moment to recognize how much of an accomplishment it is to finish a journal! I’ve polished off seven and am just starting on my eighth.  I love 

Goals and Tips for the School Year

September? How can it already be September already!? I know I say this every month, but August seem to pass so quickly. Really, for me, this whole year has gone by with lightening speed. I always love a new day, week, month or year because 

Life Lately

Lately life has been full of all things good, wild, fun, and sometimes stressful. I also have been able to conquer some decisions about school, establish somewhat of a routine, and get back into the groove of life after vacation. Does it seem to anyone else 

Summit Graduation

  Well here I am, almost two months out from Summit and still missing it like I left yesterday.  These past few months have been absolutely jam-packed. I missed blogging and it feels good to be back! Enough talk, I am going to get down