Tag: Fitness

Let’s Be Candid: Third Trimester Running/Fitness, Exercise Obsession, and Running Goals!  

Let’s Be Candid: Third Trimester Running/Fitness, Exercise Obsession, and Running Goals!  

Before heading into the weekend, I wanted to chat with you all about running and fitness during the third (and last!) trimester of pregnancy, what I am learning, exercise obsession and my goals!  *If this feels too heavy, go ahead and wait until tomorrow’s post! 

Bump Date: 32 Weeks! 

And just like that we have arrived into the eighth month of pregnancy! How does that happen?! I definitely feel pregnant, but in a mostly-loving it way. 😉 It’s been so fun to watch baby T move around lately. My stomach moves in all sorts 

Fireworks, Family Time, and Naps (Weekend Recap 6/27)

Good morning and happy Monday friends. Is it just me, or do you get excited about Mondays? I love a fresh start to the week- I always write out all my goals and I plan out all my meals and workouts. There’s something about the 

Leg and Core 20 Minute Circut Workout 

If you know me, I’m a huge proponent of effective, short, sweet, and sweaty at home workouts. Why? Not only do they require little to no equipment they also don’t require a trip to the  gym. Don’t get me wrong, I love going to a 

RUNNING: How to Increase Speed and Pace without Killing Yourself, Getting Injured, or Losing Your Love for Running 

I remember back when I was just beginning running and how overwhelming the thought of a half marathon was. How would I ever run 13.1 ( the .1 is important) miles without dying? How would I ever be able to run just 2 miles? What 

Arm and Core 20 Minute Strength Training Circuit 

I am a big fan of at home workouts and I know that they will be even more handy once baby T makes his or her arrival. I like to come up with quick and efficient workouts, that leave me feeling sore, but do not 

Quick and Efficient Leg Workout 

I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time getting motivated to cross/stength train. As a runner, I know how important it is to cross  and strength train, but if I am being honest, it is my least favorite part of my weekly 

Running Pregnant, What I’ve Learned and Running Goals Post Baby 

Good morning from my lovely bagel and I. Landon, also known as the worlds greatest husband, surprised me by buying me (and baby T) a bagel for breakfast today. He knows one of the ways to my heart 😉  On a side note: don’t you 

You Know You are a Runner When… (20 Reasons)

1. You have an unusual amount of pictures of your feet. 2. The only bracelet that you wear on a consistent basis is your Garmin. 3. You envy other runners you see on the road..while still cheering them on, of course. 4. You sleep in 

How to Beat the Treadmill Blues

So you want to run, but it is -30 out? Never fear, there is a solution to that! Its name is: the treadmill. For most people, (myself included at one point), the treadmill seems like a death sentence. Even for the most avid runners, treadmill boredom