Tag: Dinner

WIAW: Carb Loving

Once upon a time there was a girl who had a misconception of carbs. She believed the lie that ‘carbs were bad,’ and ‘carbs will make you gain a zillion pounds.’  And even though she knew the difference between good carbs and empty carbs, she 

Barbecue Lentils

Upon request, (ahem Sunnie )  I have my Barbecue lentil recipe up! I really, really enjoy a good barbecue and have an intense passion for barbecue sauce. I created this recipe when I decided I wanted something different from the average sloppy Joe and in honor of my 

WIAW- Veggie Loving

Welcome back to the WIAW party! For more details on what WIAW (What I Ate Wednesday) is all about, see Jen here. Let’s get this party started, shall we? There is no secret in this family that I love my vegetables. I’ve actually been told 

Favorite Pizza Sauce

My family has always been big fans of pizza, and not only pizza but pizza sauce.  We are pretty picky when it comes to the taste and amount on top of our slice; so when my mom found an easy recipe we could make we