Sunday’s with Grandma + Hiking
Before Grandma’s house, I ran 3.5 miles in the rain before church. It felt good, even though my socks were soaking.
After running, I went to church and soaked in the goodness of the Father’s love.
Once we came back from church, we drove to my grandma’s and exchanged a lot of laughter, food, and good times.
To take the edge off my hunger before we ate, I made myself an iced mocha. Life is good when you drink coffee out of a mason jar. Just saying.
Lunch was a little random, but it was nonetheless delicious. Lentil soup and grandma’s famous jello salad for the win.
Cookies were also necessary on a rainy day.
After we enjoyed my cousin’s cookies, we cuddled up and listened to “The Chronicles of Mommia,” (as my aunt lovingly put it.)
Recently, my family realized that my grandma has so many great stories and is such a good story-teller, but in the business of our lives we rarely have time to listen to them. So Sunday, we all took a moment out of our lives and spent it with one of our favorite people and listened and laughed. Grandma’s stories are priceless and I cannot wait to hear more.
After stories, my family and I went hiking and enjoyed the beauty of God’s creation.
The family that spits together, stays together. (Thanks Abby for the picture!)
After hiking (a damp hike, I might add), we spent time with my brother and his girlfriend, sang, and watched some Once Upon a Time.
It’s moment like these, Sunday’s like these Sundays that make me so thankful to the Lord for everything that He has given me. I am humbled when I think about the amazing love of Christ; and I am struck when I think of the good gifts that the Lord gives me, like Grandmas, cookies, His creation, runs, and family.
What are you thankful for on this Wednesday?