Spring Cleaning Strikes Again + a Fun Surprise (TOL #62)
In typical fashion, we are celebrating Friday eve with my favorite TOL party. (No idea what TOL is? Find out here.) Big thank you to Amanda for hosting today!
I’m quickly becoming a plant lady and I’m okay with that. Maybe it’s the summer loving side of me that is trying to beckon spring to come by decorating my shelves with little plants, but either way, I’m loving the fresh look my plants are giving our home.
Speaking of fresh, nothing feels quite as nice as getting rid of unnecessary items. Am I right or am I right? I love de-cluttering and I think the spring cleaning bug has bit early this year. Maybe it was the sixty degree weather we had last weekend…
Oh sixty degree weather, it would be nice to have you back…Also, my run on Saturday felt really good and my hip flexor appears to be almost back to normal! Running, here I come.
In case you missed it, these delicious beauties were shared yesterday! Don’t miss this recipe, guys. It’s easy, delicious, and addicting. The best kind of recipe, right? 😉
On a different note, this picture from last weekend has my heart. I love how much Landon loves Benaiah and Benaiah loves Landon. There is nothing better than your two favorite people loving each other.
If you follow me on Instagram, you already saw this, but Tuesday was a loong day and when Niah and I finally got home, I was surprised with an awesome package from my favorite protein company! Obviously, like any normal human being would do, I quickly made a protein shake and enjoyed my protein within an hour of opening the package. Ahh, it’s the little things..
Oh and PS. You can use my code: BETHANY20 to receive 20% off your choice of protein or any Designer Protein product!!
Lastly, I’ll leave you with this current favorite song. So so, good.
Have a great rest of your day and I’ll catch you all tomorrow!
Questions of the Day
- What is your current favorite song?
- What is the weather like where you guys are? Any crazy weather lately?
- Who else is loving those trendy, mini plants?