Social Distancing and Ramblings
Usually, Benaiah, Eliana and I like to pack a lot in a week. Play dates, activities, and anything outside covers a lot of our (my) calendar, but with this new virus epidemic, we are, like many of you, laying low and waiting until this thing passes until socializing with many others. And it feels so weird. But I am taking heart that first and foremost, God is in control and He is good and sovereign. This pandemic didn’t take Him by surprise and He will continue to uphold and sustain. If I didn’t believe that, I would be MUCH more panicked, but knowing His goodness and character and sovereignty has me not panicked, just a little restless as we wait and see how this all plays out.
So, since we aren’t seeing as many people and really only venturing out where it is open space, I am pulling on all my creative juices to keep these little ones engaged and my sanity intact.
The past few days have been really good and I am so thankful for house projects, stroller runs, and imaginary play that have filled our days and hearts.
Benaiah is SUPER into Legos right now, (and Ellie wishes she could be) so we are doing a lot of Legos, a lot of sunshine (or as much as we can get with this weather) and a lot of book reading.
Yesterday, we had breakfast/read, put Eliana down for her nap, read some more, and went on a stroller run. It was just sunny enough to not feel too cold, so I capitalized on that and went for 5 miles – relishing every second of peace and quiet. Usually Benaiah talks a lot while I run, but yesterday he was pretty quiet and I enjoyed the extra time to think and breathe.
It has been so long since I’ve done much stroller running. Since Eliana’s birth, 90% of my runs have been on the treadmill but now since she is old enough, I’m breaking up with the treadmill and soaking in the stroller miles. It’s about 60lbs of kids+stroller BUT it’s fresh air and sunshine and I couldn’t be happier.
So, while we are all hibernating this spring (I think that is one of the saddest parts / I would have much rather done this in the dead of winter!) I will be stroller running and playing lots of legos and reading a ton. I don’t know what the future holds, but I do know who holds it.
Thankful for peace amidst the chaos and the joys in between.
How are you guys hibernating and laying low this season?