Running Isn’t Everything…
The last three months of injury, disappointment, and discouragement have reminded me of this simple realization > running isn’t everything. And YES it is important, and YES it is one of my favorite things to do, but it doesn’t (and shouldn’t) define my worth, value, and purpose.
I know, for me personally, I’ve gone through phases when running takes center stage in my life (and in a negative way) and then there have been other seasons where it is more on the back burner (which was what I needed during that season, but not ideal.) And in each of these seasons, I’ve had to learn and relearn that running isn’t the end all. It isn’t do or die and it shouldn’t control my days. And yet, I’ve sometimes struggled finding a balance between how to wholeheartedly chase down my big goals and still not get wrapped up in running becoming an idol or my identity. And this time, I do feel like it has felt different. I know when I am making running too much, that any little injury makes me FREAK OUT or crushes me, but this injury (as long as it’s been) has been different. I will admit, I have shed my tears and do feel disappointment from time to time, but I am not freaking out. I know I will come back. I know running will always be there. And I know that running is not everything. If I make it my everything, my idol, and when I start finding my worth and value in my running/splits/times, etc. it will eventually fail me. It will disappointment and let me down.
And so, I’m learning and relearning, and growing and realizing that running is not everything.
That is not to say that I am going to work hard, I will fight to get back to my peak, I plan to one day run the Boston marathon and have big, scary goals tucked deep away within my heart with my running. I know that the Lord has given me a passion for and love of and a talent with running and I want to become the best running I can be for his glory, because why would I not pursue mastering the gifts and passions He’s given me? And in the work, the toil, and the striving, I need to remember that my worth does not come from my running, but whose given me the passion and gifting for it.
And so, I will run, I will do my best and chase my goals and do, big, scary, hard things for His glory and chase after the dreams He’s tucked away in my heart – while realizing that He is enough and worthy of all the glory.
Here’s to new chapters, and big goals, and the hard, uphill climb ahead. Here’s to running.