Running Goals and Plans for 2018
Before the month (and year) gets away from me, I wanted to share a few of my top goals with you for the year. Approaching this year, I’m a little conflicted at what running goals I should set. In 2017, I ran two half marathons, a full marathon, and a 5k. Heading into 2018, I’ve set a couple goals (that I will be holding loosely) and a couple concrete goals.
Don’t worry, I will clarify what I mean…
Basically, this year I am planning on running at least two half marathons (hoping to hit three or more) and planning on chasing after my half marathon PR this year! I’m dying to do another full marathon (preferably this spring) but holding that loosely as I don’t know what the future will hold for our little family. I also am hoping to focus on nailing a 5k PR this spring, in an upcoming April race and crush that by a good amount of time off my distance!
So far, my will do goals are: half marathons and 5k racing and my ‘holding loosely,’ goal is my full marathon! We will see if I will be able to do that this year, or not 😉
Overall, my main goal this year for running and fitness is growth. I want to grow in areas I am weak in (speed training, upper body and strength training < I am looking at you) and stay in consistent ‘half marathon,’ shape. A few years ago, after running my first half marathon, I didn’t keep up with my long distance running and lost a lot of fitness. This time around, I was (and am) determined not to do that. Obviously, there is an ‘off’ season of racing, but still in my off season, I plan on maintaining a solid base and keeping my half marathon fitness level up!
So, I feel like 2018 is a little bit of a year of unknowns with my running, but I am excited to take it one day at a time and chase down some big, PR goals!
So here’s to another year of running and chasing down big goals! Here’s to another year of trying and failing and tears and joy and so much more. Here’s to perfect workouts and not so perfect workouts. Here’s to the sweat and the cold runs, here’s to the unknowns and the certainty. Here’s to the dreamers.