Running + Coffee + Fall Activities (Weekend Recap)
Let’s dive in, shall we?
Saturday morning, Landon graciously let me sleep in since Benaiah decided to get up at five am. I took advantage of his sweet offer, and slept until 7:00 – it felt glorious. Once I got up and sipped my coffee, we left for Landon’s soccer game (he hasn’t played for a while since we were in the middle of marathon training.) and my long run.
While Landon played soccer, Benaiah and I ran an easy paced 7 miles. I was aiming to have my pace around 8:56-9:28 and finished with an average pace at 8:55 – winning! The run felt great and I think the cooler temperatures definitely helped with that.
Once we got back home, we refueled with protein shakes (my beloved Designer Protein powder + almond butter + almond milk + cocoa powder + frozen banana. YES) and Niah enjoyed some pumpkin muffins with peanut butter.
We spent the rest of our early afternoon cleaning, working on house projects, blog related projects, and dinner prep. Landon and I were going to see some speakers, Ray Comfort and EZ from Living Waters Ministry, Saturday night, and I spent the last couple hours before leaving picking up groceries and cooking.
We left Niah with his aunts and grandparents after a quick dinner and enjoyed some quality, uninterrupted conversation on the way to our event. The event, itself was greatly encouraging and convicting. We were even able to meet both speakers and left feeling more eager to share our faith with others!
Benaiah was asleep when we came home (yay!) and we finished our evening off with some conversation and climbed into bed before eleven.
It was odd to wake up Sunday morning and not have to squeeze in a long run before church. During marathon training, Landon and I were fitting our long runs in either on Saturday or Sunday, which worked out fine, since our church service doesn’t begin until late morning. However, having a slow start to Sunday (as much as I love those pre-church endorphins) felt so good.
We sipped on our coffees, ate some breakfast (smoothies again because we are addicted) and got the house picked up before leaving for our service. I love coming home to a clean house and just giving the house a few minutes of attention, makes a world of a difference in how I feel coming home after church.
Our morning was spent worshiping, chatting with friends, and sharing a meal with the body, before heading out to run a few errands. Our beloved Ninja blender broke on us (the horror!), which ended in a post-church run to Bed Bath and Beyond for a new Ninja. Thankfully, our blender was still under warranty and we were able to get our new blender for a major discount. Woohoo!
After coming home and resting for a little while, we strolled downtown to pick up coffee before our next Sunday adventure. I opted to order an almond milk latte, which was as smooth and delicious as I was hoping for. Landon ordered a hazelnut gelato affegato and it was OUT OF THIS WORLD. Next coffee run, I am going to order one of those. Good choice, Landon. Good choice.
While we sipped on our coffees, we headed out to a local ‘barn bash’ complete with dinner, train rides, and square dancing. We spent time with Landon’s family and friends and enjoyed getting some fresh air before bed.
Benaiah loved the train ride and I can’t wait to take him back for more exploration!Our weekend ended with pints of halo top, Dick Van Dyke and a semi-early bed time. Juuuust right. I hope you all have an awesome rest of your Monday. Thanks for stopping by Lulu Runs.
I also want to take time to mention what happened in Las Vegas last night. Our hearts go out to the victims of this tragedy. Know that you are in our prayers and you are never alone.
Questions of the Day
- What was the highlight of your weekend?
- Do you have a go to coffee order at your favorite coffee shop?
- What is going to be the best part of your day?