Reflections from 2017
Before I share my Christmas weekend recap, I wanted to spend some time reflecting on 2017 and share a few highlights.
Wow. 2017. God taught me so much this year. I learned so much about myself, conquered goals, raised a baby who became a toddler, cried tears, celebrated two blissful years with Landon, drank coffee, ran marathons, and fell in love with Jesus all over again. I entered 2017, in the midst of postpartum anxiety, which felt like a rocky start to 2017. However, it was in that dark place and loneliness that Jesus showed up and showed himself faithful, over and over again.
I grew in my love for Jesus, love for friends and family. I developed some amazing friendships with other new moms in my area and am forever thankful for the impact each special woman has made on my 2017. We spent our get together chatting over coffee, taking walks with our babies, crying together, sharing Bible studies and encouraging one another in this crazy ride called life.
In the spring, I decided to jump into marathon training. Running a marathon was a long term dream of mine and after having Benaiah, I knew I had to do it. So March 2017, I signed up for my first marathon and started dreaming of crossing that finish line. My mileage starting increasing from 2 miles, then 5 and up to 20 miles at a time, mid summer.
I also signed up for my first business course in April and launched into a course that taught me SO many things ranging from how to start an online run coaching business to branding to social media strategies. After launching my business, I fell in love with coaching women in running and learning more and more about nutrition, running and how to best serve the women around me.
Landon and I spent our summer running together, going on our first family vacation, playing soccer, going on dates, watching Benaiah grow into a toddler. Benaiah went from barely sitting to walking and then running. I watched my baby grow before my eyes and cherished each slobbery kiss and every stroller mile. Landon and I celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary in August by going back to our honeymoon spot.
September 1, Benaiah turned ONE! So, so thankful for our little boy. September was also our marathon month! Landon and I ran it together, finishing hand in hand. It seriously, fulfilled all my marathon dreams.
This fall, Jesus showed me just how insufficient I truly am and how much more I need to grow. Seeing my inefficiencies and heart issues is such a painfully, beautiful process and I couldn’t be more thankful for my mentor, Sarah, my husband and other people who speak truth into my life.
Landon and I ended the year, unplugging and enjoying family time. We went on dates together and went skiing for the first time (together.) I sat and watched in amazement as Benaiah started talking more and became more of a boy and less of a baby.
And there was such much more, coffee runs, countless trips to the park, hours running on my favorite trail, movie marathons, Bible studies, play dates with friends, late night game nights, Benaiah’s first experience at the pool, and more.
And here I am at the beginning of 2018, a million dreams filling my mind of what this year will look like. Most of all, I pray that I will love Jesus and love others and serve them with my whole heart. I am so thankful for such a sweet, precious year. Here’s to another beautiful year ahead! 2018, let’s go…