Quarantine Happenings

Hello to you all. Man, what a time to be alive. it really is so interesting this whole COVID stuff that is going down and no matter what you think of it, I think we can all agree it is just plain weird. Weird to be so isolated. Weird to not be able to go to our favorite destinations, weird to put so many plans on pause, weird to have races canceled, and on and on. But in the midst of the crazy, there has been a lot of good too. I’m realizing that this season of extra (forced) time at home has really been such a blessing and I’m thankful to learn a lot in a season of a downtime.
First of all, I’ve been able to see just how busy we really were pre-COVID. I didn’t think we led a busy lifestyle, but between family stuff, play dates with friends, visits to family, random get togethers and other activities our days were full. Since pulling back from everything, I’ve noticed Benaiah’s really enjoyed being home so much more and he really hasn’t asked to go anywhere (which I found so odd) I think we are going to keep our schedules a little more free once things open back up and not cram our schedules as much as we did before. This break has been good for me to see just how sensitive kids are to stimulation/activities etc.
Another thing am enjoying with this unique time is Landon’s work schedule. Landon is currently working from home which is such a blessing. We are getting 3 extra hours of family time a day which is such a gift and brought a lot of life to our days. It will be painful when he has to go back to work, haha.
Since we can’t really go anywhere or do anything, we’ve been running a lot and I am A-okay with that. Benaiah, Eliana and I have put a lot of miles on the double BOB and I am so thankful for the ability to get out and explore with the kids, while doing something I love too. Right now, I’m averaging around 25-33 miles a week and trying to get in some solid strength work too. I’ve also been working on a lot of projects for Persistent Running and the Podcast, which has been fun, too.
Another thing I’ve been enjoying lately is reading. It’s funny (I don’t know if any of you are like this) but I go through serious phases of reading. One year I will read a ton and other years, I hardly read at all. This year, I had a goal of reading a least 10 books and I think so far, I’ve already read 12 – time to increase that goal! It’s been so fun getting back into a groove of reading/listening to books and I’m loving it. Some of my favorites have been, Little Women (THE BEST!), Little Men, A Tale of Two Cities, a The Horse and His Boy. I’m currently in the middle of Jane Eyre, Jo’s Boys, Crazy Love, and some various running related books too. Can’t stop, won’t stop.
All in all, we are trying to make lemonade out of lemons and I’m kind of loving this challenge. It’s good and messy and beautiful, amidst the sadness of the world right now. I am so thankful for Jesus and so grateful to know that He is constant in a season of so much uncertainty!