Picnics in the Park and Time in the Pool
Instead of a soccer game or a long run, Saturday morning started off nice and easy with hot cups of steamy coffee and lingering conversation in bed, with a squirmy Benaiah wiggling all over us. Thanks to an unwanted thunderstorm, Landon’s soccer game was cancelled and I decided to take a weekend off running, since my ankle was still on the mend.
We enjoyed our cups of coffee and slow morning, but after a while we felt the urge to get outside and moveee. Thankfully the rain stopped and we were able to sneak in a little run. Instead of the 15 miles I had planned, I ran 1.5 miles, in order to test out to sore ankle. I stopped a mile and a half in and headed back home to stretch/foam roll/and ice. I felt pretty good, but didn’t want to over-do it on my ankle’s first ‘good’ day. So, really, my run was only 13.5 miles shorter than it needed to be. Close enough, right? 😉
Once Landon and Benaiah finished their run, I made us some hot and fluffy scrambled eggs, before working on a few house projects.
We spent the rest of our late morning through early afternoon lounging around the house, reading, and working on projects while Benaiah slept. Once he was awake, we headed outside for a local art festival and took full advantage of our local coffee shop.
Instead of purchasing coffee on the blistering hot/humid day, Landon opted for gelato and I tried an iced matcha. So refreshingly delicious!
We had plans to meet up friends at a park for a picnic dinner on Saturday night. I was excited to get the ‘boys’ together and watch them play together at a park for the first time. Although they didn’t really play, they both enjoyed crawling after our glasses of lemonade and picnic food. I didn’t have any typical picnic food, so our dinner ended up being Tupperware containers of chicken + broccoli! haha.
We spent a good amount of time, pushing the boys on the swing, which they both seemed to enjoy!
The whole gang <3
After Benaiah went to bed, Landon and I finished an episode of the latest Star War movie we were working through and enjoyed a hot bowl of popcorn. Perfection.
Sunday morning began bright an early with an just shy of six o’clock wake up call from Benaiah. I scooped him out of the crib and let Landon sleep, since he had a late night. After downing a cup of coffee (or two) I got ready for church and cleaned the house.
After drinking creamy smoothies, we left for church early since I was on the worship team for the first time that Sunday. I used to help lead our worship team at my old church and I was so excited to serve our church this way. I enjoyed being on the team and am looking forward to participating with them more.
My mom and sister came to church, which obviously meant we hung out afterwards for a bit before they headed home! After chatting, Landon and I left to head to my in-laws for dinner!
My father-in-law, who is an AMAZING cook, made my favorite, Collard Greens for dinner, which made me super happy 🙂 We ended our Sunday chatting together and enjoying their pool, before heading home and crashing in bed.
Have a fantastic rest of your Monday friends! I will catch you all tomorrow!
Questions of the Day
- What is one of your favorite comfort foods?
- You pick! Gelato or ice cream?
- What was the highlight of your weekend?