Our Last Weekend Before a Big Change

Well, hello there and happy Monday morning to you! Last weekend was our final weekend before our big change (Landon’s new job!) and it was a super special weekend filled with some of my favorite things with my favorite people. Landon had two weeks off since leaving his previous job and starting this new one, so the past 14 days have felt like an eternal weekend > which has been A M A Z I N G. And although this Monday morning, I miss Landon a little extra, I am also excited about getting into a new routine, find a new sense of normalcy, and enjoy this new adventure, together. So, here’s to a new week and finding a new normal! Wish me luck.
Anyways, let’s move onto the weekend recap, shall we?
Saturday first started off with the most glorious extra couple hours in bed. Normally, I am up no later than 7 am, but Saturday morning, I slept in until 9:15. I don’t remember the last time I slept in until that late, but Saturday I needed it. Friday was Landon’s birthday and of course, on Friday, I was super sick for half of the morning. (I think it was a weird virus that we’ve all been fighting for the last couple days.) I felt better by the end of the evening, but I guess my body needed extra rest and I enjoyed the extra couple hours of sleep.
Once I got up, I got Niah situated with his breakfast (oatmeal with blueberries is his current, favorite right now) and I drank a big glass of water before grabbing my morning cup of coffee. Lately, I’ve been trying to drink a little (or a lot) of water before my first cup of coffee. I’ve noticed that if I drink water before my coffee, I typically drink more water the rest of the day. Go, figure.
After drinking coffee and having devotions, Landon and I decided to head out the door for our morning workout. The past week was not my best running week. I had big hopes of hitting around 30+ miles, but with a minor injury + sickness, I opted for a couple additional rest days and took it EASY. I did other workouts, but ran about 6 miles total for the week (a HUGE cutback for me). Saturday, I felt the benefits of the added rest days and ran 5 miles with no pain and a huge, geeky smile on my face. Landon and Niah made a pit stop at the park, while I ran four extra miles (Landon did a cross fit workout at the park). It felt SO good to be out and about in the glorious (50 degree weather) I enjoyed every single minute of the run. Once our workout was done, we spent time hanging out at the park and finally made it home, just in time for a brunch.
Brunch was more like lunch with bowls of homemade veggie ‘cheese’ (nutritional yeast) soup + big salads.
A little while later, Niah went down for his nap, while Landon and I played Dutch Blitz and Dominion. Once Niah was awake, I whipped up some easy (and delicious) vegan tacos. Landon went shopping for a few necessities and he came back with roses which MADE MY NIGHT. <3 He is the best.
We spent the rest of our evening enjoying some games, ice cream, and part of La La Land (we haven’t finished it yet…)
In contrast to our super low-key, relaxing Saturday, Sunday was busy. I had worship practice in the morning, then church, and an afternoon wedding. I woke up early, had some coffee, ate a quick bowl of oatmeal and got ready for practice. We all left the house together and after practice spent time at church.
After spending time in worship and fellowship, we headed back home for a quick turn around. Niah ended up getting about a short 20 minute nap, but I was glad he at least got a little sleep. After Niah’s (and Landon’s) afternoon nap, we headed to the wedding and spent time celebrating with the sweet couple. Issac and Hannah, you guys were adorable and your wedding was such a joy to attend! We are so excited for you!
This wedding was so, so sweet. Issac’s sheer excitement and Hannah’s joy just overwhelmed the entire day and it was such a fun experience to be a part of. Also, they catered Chipotle to the reception – so there was that too 😉
Side tangent: On the way back from the wedding en route to the reception we got into a TINY accident! A guy behind us hit us from behind and thank goodness he was only going about 5-10 miles an hour. Even though we didn’t get any damage, it was a little scary and the force of impact gave me a slight headache – which wasn’t too fun. Praise the Lord, Niah and Landon were okay and we all were fine. If 5 mph impact feels like that, I don’t want to know what any other collisions at increased speeds feels like.
So, aside from our little car accident experience, Sunday was wonderful and refreshing and full of joyous celebration – my favorite kind 😉
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and an even better week!
Questions of the Day
- Have you ever been in an accident?
- How many weddings are you going to this year?
- Favorite wedding food?