Mountains and Valleys

Heading into 2018, I was coming off a mountain top year with my running. I’d run the most races I’ve ever run in a year and ran my first full marathon. I then started 2018 with a 2nd place 5k finish (for women) a PR and a PR in the half marathon (at 1:44.) Needless to say, I had high hopes and expectations for what the rest of 2018 held.

Yet, so far, running 2018 has fell a little flat. Injuries + extended time off is not what I envisioned and yet, that’s where I am. And I’m learning something in this “valley,” that not every season is wonderful, fitness is not always a linear, and this valley seasons (in life or in fitness) happen to the best of the best. I’m also learning that even though running isn’t everything, it is something. It’s something I love, running helps me feel normal, inspires me, excites me, and lights me up. And while I am walking (almost literally) through this season of lower miles and more injuries, it’s given me an even greater hunger for continued education, motivation, and commitment to the sport I love so much.

People may ask, “Why do you do it, why not just find something else to do.” And to them, I would answer, I do it to glorify the Lord with the talents He’s given me and the passions He’s placed in my heart. I do it for the girl who felt awkward in her own skin and somehow stumbled into a sport that encouraged her to do hard things. This sport, this passion has given me so much. Running has taught me how to be brave and do hard things and push myself and reach higher and stay disciplined and committed. I used to not be able to run more than .25 mile without stopping for air. I used to dread exercise and running. The worst thing at gym was the timed mile. And now, here I am, full circle. A girl who now loves to run double digit runs and fast half marathons and one day, a fast marathon. I do it, for that reason. I do it to inspire, to keep pushing myself to do hard, big things. To bring glory to the One whose given me a body to run with in the first place. And for that reason, even in the valley, I will keep doing. I will keep staying diligent, staying the course, doing what I know to do. If that means long runs – then I will run long. If that means time off, I will take time off. But, I am committed. I will continue to chase excellence, to glorify Jesus, to be a good steward of the skills He’s given me, and to encourage other’s to do hard things.


So while hard seasons are hard, sometimes, they are the best times. Because it’s in the fire that our commitment is tested and we have to make a choice to be either all in or not. And I’m all in.