March Coffee Chat

We are finally getting into a regular rhythm over here and it feels so good. As someone who thrives off of a schedule and loves routines (especially when they involve fun things) it feels good to be back at that place.
Since we last chatted (a while ago) I have quite a few new things happening, which I will continue to fill you in as we talk more.
The past six months having two kiddos have been basically me trying to get back into a place of normalcy. And in it’s own way it is kind of beautiful in its own way. The sleepless nights. Spit up covered clothing. Bags on bags under the eyes. Countless treadmill runs. All of it is messy, but so joy filled. And I love that.
Eliana is growing steadily and such a joy. Believe it or not, she is in the 99% for height (coming from someone who isn’t even 5ft. this is shocking haha.) She is so full of life, smiles, coos, and already trying her first solids. But more on her later.
Benaiah is the best big brother, constantly kissing her, telling her “it’s okay,” when she cries, protecting her from things she shouldn’t be getting into, and laughing with her. Watching him turn into a big brother has been so much more joy filled and life giving than I could begin to imagine.
Aside from momming, I am loving coaching an amazing set of runners who are doing so well, despite these challenging times! I haven’t had any races canceled yet, but I know so many people (including my own athletes) who have had races canceled or postponed, which is such a bummer after putting so much work into the training and prep. However, so so thankful for healthy bodies and praying for the world right now as this sad epidemic is going on. So thankful that we have Jesus and know He is in control, otherwise I would be in a panic!
In other news, the sunshine is finally starting to make an apperance and I am SO excited. The kids and I shared our first double stroller miles last week and it was beyond needed and so much fun to experience with them. I foresee many stroller miles together. Having my two buddies with me, sharing one of my favorite things with them is so very special. Benaiah was very excited to be back at it (he’s spent so many hours in our Bob stroller!) and Eliana seemed to approve (she fell asleep, so I am assuming all of my hard work is relaxing to her haha)
that’s all for now, but I am thankful for all of you guys and eager to chat more. Have a great rest of your Tuesday!