Look Who is Baacckkk
Wow, I don’t even remember the last time I sat down and typed up a post, but it feels so good to be back and writing again. The last couple years of blogging, honestly hasn’t been super consistent. But, I am here to say the blog is back – (literally had to delete something that put my blog back into the dark ages), and I will be popping in every now and then to chat about life. Because, I do miss writing a lot.

I love sharing life on this blog and after a long hiatus, I do admit I really miss writing. I have been podcasting the last year or so, which is super fun and have had some great conversations too! If you want to check the podcast out, find it here.
In other news, Landon and I bought our first home, Landon’s mom, dad, and youngest sister moved out of state (still sad about that one!), and we had a family wedding! Yes, my sister in law, Nikki got married earlier this year. I had the TIME OF MY LIFE being a bridesmaid and Nikki was the most gorgeous bride. We also had the best year living with Nikki in fall of 2020. It was so special to share a home with someone you love as much as we love Nikki. Now I just need to convince all my other sisters to move in for a time. So much fun.
This past year has been a whirlwind. We bought a house, had family move, watched a sister get married, and I ran two marathons! More on that to come. All that to say, life has been full and busy and so, so good. God is good, all the time. No matter what.

The kids are doing good, growing up so fast and honestly, I can’t even believe I have two toddlers. Like what? Benaiah and I started homeschooling, which I am excited to share more of here. Overall, it is going really well and it is so much fun to see his little brain working and watch him get excited about learning!

When I take a long break from writing, it is always kind of hard to know where to start, so I think I will end this as abruptly as I began. I am sure I will fill you all in more soon. Have the best day!