Just a Typical Tuesday: Cousin Time, Impromptu Rest Days, and an Epic Dinner
It all started around 6:30 am. The past month or so, I’ve been struggling to get out of bed on time. I don’t know if it is the time change, the late nights (most likely) or the busy days, but MAN I cannot get myself out of bed. Since I was tired, I slept in a little more until just after 7 and finally dragged myself out of bed and staggered to the coffee. Thank goodness for that steamy, foamy morning beverage.
Side note: I totally caught Niah drinking cold (leftover) coffee out of my mug yesterday and he seemed to like it. #momfail. And even though I don’t want him drinking it, I found it hilarious.
After getting my cup of coffee, I quickly grabbed my Bible, said hello to Landon and spent a few minutes reading the Word before making Landon breakfast and getting Niah up. Those few minutes of stillness in the morning are so precious and I definitely need to get up ealier so I can savor those moments more.
Once Landon left for work, I fed Niah peanut butter/honey oatmeal and sipped on my coffee while finishing a little blog work. Breakfast was over quickly and once his tummy was full, we got ourselves ready for the day and I whipped out a couple quick workout videos to do while Niah entertained himself with his current, favorite puzzle. Monday morning, I ran 8 miles (which felt AMAZING) but since I had company coming over Tuesday morning and my foot was feeling a little sore (hot spots are NO fun as a runner) I decided to take a day off running and focus on some strength training. Enter in: a quick five minute leg workout and I called it good for the day. This is what I call balanced living. Some days, I run 10 miles and other days, I take an impromptu rest day and I feel good about it. There once was a time where I would workout because I felt like I HAD to or felt guilty if I didn’t. And you know what? It feels really good to be at a place where I workout because I 1: love it and 2: it feels good. But, some days life happens and it just feels better to take an extra day of rest. And that’s okay too.
Anyways, shortly after I drank a quick protein shake to refuel and then my SIL and sweet neice came over. It is so fun to watch Niah and Nora interact with one another and even though they are a couple months apart, they still seem like they are close enough in age to grow up together and have a lot of fun. Hannah and I talked all day long, caught up on mom life, wife life, and lots of other girl things.
The rest of the day passed by in a blur of activity, I made lunches for everyone and a salad + roasted sweet potatoes for me. After a couple more hours, I made the BEST vegan Mexican dinner and it HIT the spot.
I will have to blog about it later, but it was a lentil/quinoa/black bean ‘meat,’ mixture and we put it on corn tortillas with rice and chips and guac on the side. I think Mexican is my favorite ethnic food, because every single time we have it, I always feel so satisfied and happy afterwards. 😉
Hannah left around six and Landon left for men’s ministry shortly after. Since Niah and I had some alone time together, we spent time cleaning up the living room and reading books about Curious George (his current favorite read.) I am seriously loving this stage with Niah. He has really gotten into reading books, which makes me so happy! After I gave him his bath, I put him to bed and got a little work done, while sipping on some off brand La Croix. (FYI for all you Aldi people, Aldi’s Belle Via tastes just like La Croix!)
It is the simple and quiet nights that I crave so much and it felt so good to have a few hours of rest before heading to bed.
I hope you all have a great rest of your Wednesday!
Questions of the Day
- What is your favorite ethnic food?
- What was the best part of your Tuesday?
- My favorite Mexican dish is _______?