It’s Been a Minute + Exciting News!


Wow friends, it has been a hot minute since I last wrote on here. Honestly, January I felt a pretty big amount of burnout. I really wasn’t feeling super inspired, felt kind of all over the place and didn’t feel like I had much to write about.

But, after almost sixth (!) months of not writing and solely focusing on coaching my Persistent Running athletes, I am feeling inspired to hop back into the blogging world and connect with you all again.

I go through phases like this with my running too, when it feels boring/stale/etc and sometimes time off is just what my mind/body needs.

So while I was away, a lot has happened but the biggest thing that has taken most of my mental, physical, and emotional energy is that we are PREGNANT! As of today, I am 25 weeks, putting me at 6 months pregnant. 6 months down, 3 months to go! (The photo above is from 10 weeks ago – and man, I have popped a lot more than that now) haha.

I will write a blog post all about this pregnancy, but for now I want to keep this first, “I am back to the blogging world,” post brief. Keep your eyes out for 3 posts a week from now on. I plan to use this space to write about my running, our real lives, baby updates, running topics, and more. I’ve missed writing and all of you guys and it feels good to be back, fresh and inspired. (and with a lot more energy now that we are well into the second trimester)

Here’s to all the new adventures ahead this summer!


  1. Have you ever taken time off from something you love?
  2. Mom’s – what are some things you didn’t have with your first child that you love with your second? Give me all the ideas!