I’m Still Alive + A Super Long Weekend Recap (11/15)
Currently, I’m using my mom and dad’s computer so I can finally get my weekend recap shared with you all! Yeah for family close by.
Also, since I wasn’t able to share my Friday recap with you guys, we’ll start there…
I think we are finally getting into a routine around here and it feels so good, like uber good. I’m that kind of person who craves routine until it becomes routine, (strange? yeah I know…) and I’m really liking how Benaiah is getting adjusted into a daily schedule.
As much as I love predictability, I’m also trying to give myself and him grace, I know that he is growing and changing, which means most likely, “routines” will soon change too. But, until then, I’ll savor this new season.
So, Friday started off with our new routine.
Wake. Coffee. Feed. Devotions. And work/blog.
To be totally honest, having a little one makes having devotions really hard and I’ve been slacking on making sure Jesus is first and spending enough time with Him in the morning. The past couple days, I’ve made sure to get that time in and man, it sure makes a difference in how the day goes and my whole outlook on life. Priorities people, I need to keep them in the right order.
So after having time with Jesus, I drank a quick smoothie and jumped in the shower before my sisters (!) came over.
I don’t know if I’ve told you guys this yet, but Benaiah loves the sound of a blow dryer. So, after I finished my shower, I sat him in his car seat so he could watch/hear me blow dry my hair. He was a happy camper.
And my hair was happy too.
Once my sisters came over, we quickly caught up, shared Benaiah snuggles, and I worked on the laundry.
Our laundry is in a unit below us, which sometimes makes laundry challenging throughout the week. Since my sisters were over, I took advantage of their presence and washed/dried/folded and put away about five loads of laundry. My mom and sisters also scoured my kitchen while I whipped up a homemade pizza crust, they are the best.
Landon came home for lunch
and before I knew it the rest of the afternoon flew by.
Friday night consisted of homemade pizza + salad + a movie- the perfect way to end the week if you ask me.
Saturday morning Landon and I opted for sleeping in instead of soccer (actually I slept in and he handled Benaiah’s early morning wake up call, have I mentioned I have the greatest husband ever?)
Once I woke up, I fed Benaiah and we spent the rest of the day chilling at home.
We didn’t do too much except for a run, working out (I almost conquered the crow pose too!), a errand run, and a walk.
While we were on our walk, we stopped in our local coffees shop for hot cocoas before heading back home. We hardly ever splurge and get sweet drinks out, but on Saturday, it was definitely necessary.
I ordered a “Jack O Latern,” which was a pumpkin spiced hot cocoa- um yes, it tasted as good as it sounded.
The rest of the evening, we chilled at home and ate a super lazy dinner of popcorn and apples.
You know how I said last week we made it early to church? I think we made up for it because we got to church l.a.t.e. I told Landon that maybe I should have worn my sunglasses in as I walked in, I was hoping we wouldn’t be reognized. 😉
Once we got home after church, we quickly cleaned the house and walked to a local consignment shop.
I fell in love with everything. We left empty handed, but with a full list of “would like to have someday.”
The rest of the evening we spent eating leftovers, drinking protein “ice cream” shakes (aka banana ice cream shakes) and watching Dick Van Dyke.
Pretty much a great way to end a great weekend.
How about you? How was your weekend?
Questions of the Day
- What did you do this weekend?
- Favorite lazy dinner?
- What are your Wednesday plans?