Highlights from Our Staycation Tuesday
Tuesday morning started off early (or at least it seemed early) which meant a big cup of coffee, as soon as I rolled out of bed. I immediately heard Niah calling for me, so while the water was heating up, I quickly scooped him out of bed and gave him some good morning kisses. Lately, Niah is into the whole ‘let me see if I can undress myself’ mode and I walked into the room and noticed his footie pajamas half unzipped. Thank goodness the diaper was still on.
After grabbing Niah and pouring my coffee, I nursed him quickly and then cracked open my Bible. I love having devotions before Niah wakes up, because once he is awake and I try to read – it’s challening to say the least. Regardless, I read here and there, between avoiding crisis’. Sometimes in the mess, I feel overwhelmed. And then there are other times where I just have to laugh. Yesterday was one of those days where I just had to laugh at my son’s sweet imagination and the humor of trying to focus while a toddler runs back and forth between the kitchen and living room.
After devotions, Landon woke up and he read while I made Niah his current favorite breakfast of oatmeal with blueberries.Good choice, son.
Run/ Workout
Not too much later, Landon and Niah and I all went out on a family run and for the first time in a LONG time, the temperature outside felt GOOD. HALLELUJAH! We ran just a little over four miles before I dropped the boys off at the house and I finished up the run, stopping at 8 miles for the day. Running is going so well right now, and I am really happy to see my pace finally coming back (after being gone for a LONG time!) I finished with 8 miles @ a 7:55 average. This run was all about recovery for me (since I ran a threshold run of 7 miles @ 7:28 average yesterday). Once I got home, I stretched out really well, iced a slightly sore hip flexor and ate the best oatmeal ever.
After a cool (not cold) run, I was craving a big bowl of creamy oatmeal and that’s just what I made. Landon and I enjoyed our big bowls of maple/raisin oatmeal and topped it with major spoonfuls of peanut butter. Heavenly. Side note: I used to be afraid of adding in sweeteners to my oatmeal and ‘full fat’ peanut butter. SO glad I am over that fear now, because oatmeal tastes about 150x better with maple syrup and peanut buter.
We spent the next couple hours hanging out as a family and once Niah went down for his afternoon nap, I got an hour of work done.
While Niah slept (he slept until 5:00!), Landon and I worked on some work projects together and I prepped dinner. I forgot to snap a picture, but I ended up crisping up some tempeh, roasting sweet potatoes, and steaming brussel sprouts. After dinner was over, I headed out to women’s ministry for the evening while Landon and Niah hung out at home. It is so sweet to leave home knowing that Landon and Niah are going to have a good time. They’ve always been close, but lately Niah is obsessed with daddy and they love doing little adventures together. Once I got home from an encouraging evening out with the ladies, I found out Landon and Niah went on a walk together, read books, and spent time relaxing together. Mom life = made.
I hope you all have an awesome weekend! Landon and I are going to race on Saturday morning (a local 5k) and I couldn’t be more stoked! I will let you all know how it goes, but I will say, I am a little nervous! I would LOVE to break 22 minutes (it’s a 5k), but holding that goal loosely and just giving it all I have for Jesus’ glory.
Sometimes the best races happen when we go in with big dreams/moderate expectations/ and a whole lot of courage. This will hurt, but I can’t wait to see the end result.
Questions of the Day
- Are you racing this weekend?
- Do you have an upcoming race?
- What is your weekend looking like?