Girls day and a WIAW

Happy Wednesday friends- we are half way through the week! I love Wednesdays for a couple reasons.
1. We are getting close to the end of the week (!) For me, weekends mean more time with my husband and family.
2. WIAW. I love partying with you all and sharing my Tuesday eats with you. WIAW is not about judgement, not about food comparison or guilt. It’s about celebrating what we all have in common: food.
Also, thank you Jen for hosting.
Alrighty, enough talk, let’s get onto the fun!
Yesterday, I was able to get together with one of my best friends. I haven’t seen her in forever, literally months. It was so nice to get together.
I got to her place around 9:45, as I was driving I snacked on a Larabar. Chocolate chip cookie dough for the win!
When I arrived, Charissa, was shopping at Woodmans to pick up some of my favorite pregnancy cravings. Isn’t she a doll?
After she got back, I ate a banana, and we geared up for our run!
Charissa showed me the most gorgeous trails, just a few miles from her house. I don’t know about you, but trail running makes runs an adventure! We ended the run covered in mud and with 5.5 miles finished. You should have seen those hills. They were huge!
After getting back from our run, we got out lunch ingredients and went to town ;). As you may know, I’ve been craving turkey for the past couple weeks.
She came through. Let’s just take a moment to appreciate that view. Turkey, cheese, and spinach. Totally hit the spot.
She also introduced me to the “chips” shown above. The brand: Crunchmaster. The flavor: Garden vegetable and white cheddar. The verdict: Amazing. Need some more asap.
After lunch, we made a batch of healthy brownies, talked, and stretched (better late than never right?)
The brownies turned out amazing! She sent me home with one that Landon and I shared: we both loved it and agreed it tasted like fudge.
(Photo props to Charissa.)
After a fun photo shoot, I said goodbye, drove home, and made a quick dinner for Landon and I.
Chicken breast, salad, and a side of polenta. So delicious.
Landon and I shared that brownie mentioned above after dinner. It hit the spot, (thanks again Charissa!)
On days like these, I realize, once again, that I am so blessed. I am so thankful for the friends and family that God has given me.
Hope you have a fantastic Wednesday! Let’s seize the day friends and live for the King.
What about you? Share and comment below!
What are some of your recent eats?
Do you enjoy trail running (or hiking/biking?)
Do you have any good healthy brownie or dessert recipes?