Fun Facts Friday (3/25)

2. Yesterday, I realized I am five days ahead in my pregnancy than I thought. I had my due date tracker set to the midwifes’ date. However, since my date and the midwifes’ date is only five days apart, they decided to stick with mine. The only thing I forgot to do, was switch it on my app. Now, I feel a lot further along (even though it’s by 5 days haha.)
3. A couple nights ago, I roasted asparagus. Landon and I both agreed it tasted like bacon- so strange. If there are any bacon loving vegetarians out there, this is your time to rejoice!
5. My sister found this shirt at Ross. I’m pretty sure that is an accurate statement.
6. At the shower yesterday, they made the best punch. It tasted like ice cream, yet made from just strawberries, lemon, a little bit of organic cream, stevia, and seltzer water. I will probably be craving this punch for the next three weeks straight.
7. Worked out my arms yesterday- hello burn. I am loving these exercise bands! Anybody else use them a lot? (Excuse the recycled pic.)
That’s it for today friends, let’s hang out on Monday and catch up with a weekend recap!
Praying you all have a blessed Easter weekend, celebrating our risen Savior!