Final Long Run + Weekend Happenings
Now that I’ve probably gone on far too long with more blog minutia than you most likely wanted, let’s dig into this weekend recap! I hope you all had a wonderfully refreshing couple of days off and are popping in today ready for another work week. For the Thompson household, this weekend held a mixture of productivity mixed with relaxation and socialization – pretty much our favorite way to spend the weekend!
Let’s rewind to Saturday >>>
Saturday morning, Landon and I woke up late (around 7:45!) feeling quite rested and ready for a full day of projects. We literally couldn’t remember the last Saturday we had ZERO plans on the agenda and it felt particularly good to have nothing to do. So, after a breakfast of our typical smoothies, we sat down and wrote out a mile long to-do list of various projects we hoped to tackle during our ‘free’ day. Our list ranged from taking Benaiah on a fun, outdoor activity to organizing deep, dark closets ;). We decided to tackle the less than fun projects first, once our workouts were finished.
While Benaiah took his nap, Landon and I completed a sweaty 25-30 minute workout of abs and chest together. We run together, but we don’t often do his/hers body weight workouts together. The change of pace was fun and we finished feeling sweaty and sore!
After devotions and our workout, we starting tackling our to-do list and a couple hours later, found ourselves crossing off multiple tasks off the list! Hallejujah!
We took a break for a late lunch and shared an odd (more like a ‘clean out the fridge lunch’) of eggs, chips and salsa, and sliced peppers. It was oddly satisfying and after lunch we finished up our projects.
Saturday’s weather was absolutely gorgeous, which meant we couldn’t stay inside all day. We scooped up Benaiah and strolled downtown to enjoy a craft fair and eventually meandered our way to a nearby park. Benaiah loved playing soccer with dad and found walking around the fence, equally entertaining.
Once we came back home, we made a quick grocery run, made an easy dinner of chicken tacos and dove into a big batch of homemade salsa. Homemade salsa above all else.
After Benaiah went to bed, Landon and I cozied up on the couch with the final slices of Benaiah’s birthday ice cream cake (sorry bud!) and watched some Netflix before dozing off.
To compensate for our nothing to do Saturday, Landon and I made sure to plan a wild Sunday – or it just so happened like that. Since Landon and I had our LAST LONG RUN of this training cycle to run, Sunday morning, we got up earlier than normal to squeeze it in before church.
The weather was that perfect running weather, which meant we bundled Niah up, threw on our ear warmers and ran an easy 8 mile run before 9am. (Excuse the ‘I am tired face.)
The run felt really, really good and my body felt like I could have gone a lot longer. We finished with our average pace, hovering right around an 8:55 average- which I felt okay with.
After running, we stretched, Benaiah crawled around and we scurried around the house while getting ready for church. A few hours later, and we walked into church, spent time worshipping and fellowhsipping with friends. Sunday’s sermon was one of those sermon’s that God uses to just speak to your very soul and I (we) left church feeling refreshed and more in love with Jesus than before.
Right after church, we drove to my parent’s for another party for Benaiah that my mom graciously offered to host. Since our place is small and far from relatives, my mom offered to host a second party so my aunts and cousins could celebrate with Benaiah and I. It was such a blessing to be able to see family and one of my closest gal pals, Charissa, yesterday! (<<She was a bridesmaid in our wedding and one of my running buddies that pops on the blog, occasionally!)
Benaiah tried homemade ice cream for the first time, and I think it is safe to say, he is a fan.
We spent the entire afternoon chatting, eating ice cream, and celebrating the beauty of family and relationships, oh and opening presents too.
Landon and I left around seven, in order to get the tired, birthday boy to bed. After a jam packed Sunday, Landon and I spent the last few hours of the weekend together, curled up on the couch with our favorite snack (popcorn) and our current favorite Netflix series.
And now, it is MARATHON week – which means I will be hydrating, sleeping, stretching, running a little, and eating CARBS. Whose with me?!
I hope you guys have an awesome week and I will catch you tomorrow!
Questions of the Day
- What did you do this weekend?
- If you’ve run a marathon before, what are your top tips going into race week?
- What do you like to do with a free day?