Currently: Running Addition


Running is such a dynamic sport and I think that is why I love it. I mean, in the matter of months I can go from running 20 miles on the weekend to barely cranking out a couple miles on a given Saturday to then gearing up for a half marathon and planning on my next marathon training cycle. Running, at least for me, is such a fluid sport because of a variety of reasons. Those reasons vary from runner to runner, but for me, having a toddler, dealing with injuries, pregnancy and so many other life events keep my running ‘fluid,’ > (which I find to be a far better word than unpredictable!)

After coming off of my marathon, in September, I was riding such a runner’s high. I was eager to get back out on the roads and crank out some hard core workouts, speed work, and long runs. As good as zealousness is, I think my over eagerness and speed workout session too soon post-marathon left my hip flexors not happy with me and hurting. Fast forward a little over a month post-race and I am still on the healing mend. Recovering from an injury means miles a little and runs are slow and that sometimes, makes me frustrated, honestly.


I want to run and race and crush workouts and when I am temporarily sidelined it stinks. However, I’ve been learning these past couple weeks that first, I have a ton to be thankful for. After watching the Boston marathon bombing documentary, I’ve realized again, that I have so very much to be thankful for. I have two legs to carry me through runs and walks and life. I am healthy and strong and this little setback is just that, a little setback. Also, I am remembering that really, it’s okay to be where I am at with running right now. In just a few short weeks, once my hip flexor is 100%, I will be grinding out the runs, crushing workouts, and running miles on miles. I’m trying to allow myself the grace to simply, enjoy this time off, enjoy the extra time and just simply, rest. And in the mean time, there is a whole lot of other things I can do that will help me become a better runner.


While I am not running ALL THE MILES, I am focusing on getting extra rest, nourishing my body well, hydrating my body with lots of water, and strengthening my body with cross/strength training.  Setbacks are just set ups for a comeback and as I focus on building back the right way, I know I can run even better, faster, stronger, and smarter post-injury!
I’m so exited to get back out there and challenge myself with new tasks, but until then, I’ll focus on recovery smartly. I think that’s one of the things I love about running, you never really know what to expect- kind of like life. What I do know, I can do hard things, in Jesus strength and for His glory.

Current Running Goals

  • Hip flexor healed 100% 
  • Build back mileage in time for November half marathon (I would love to PR, but with this injury, I am unsure of my time.)
  • Drink more water 
  • Figure out what nutrition means for me, right now (less mileage = not as hangry all the time…)

So, with those running goals written out, I am eagerly awaiting this new season of running and all that is to come! Hope you guys have an awesome Thursday, thanks for stopping by the blog today!

Questions of the Day 

  1. What is your running currently like?
  2. Do you have any fall racing goals?
  3. The best part about today is going to be ____?