Coming Back
Don’t mistake me, life has been beautifully full. The kind of fullness that leaves you with a smile on your face and joy in your heart.
For example:
Since we last hung out, I’ve gotten married to my best friend
I moved from my little tiny town, into, the “big city.” (*Disclaimer* not really the big city, but for this girl who was used to a town of 1,200- this place is huge.)
I’ve leaned to do (by myself) “adult things” like taxes, changing my name, budgeting, insurance, etc. Hello adulthood.
And, last, but certainly not least- Landon and I found out, we are expecting!! We are so thrilled to be adding an addition to the family. We can’t wait to meet baby T!
And that is why life is full. Full of laughter, full of tears (hello pregnancy hormones!), full of love, full of late night talks and early morning kisses, full of homemade meals, and city runs. And best of all, full of Jesus. Because, without Him, this life would be so impossible to live.
Jesus is teaching me that I can’t in my own strength me a good wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, granddaughter, cousin, etc. However, through His strength, we can and we will! It is a hard lesson to learn, but thank the Lord that He is patient with me (and with us all.)
So my friends, I am so excited to finally get back into the swing of things- expect me way more often! Can’t wait to keep you up to today on my new adventures with my husband, my little Baby T, pregnancy, my crazy adventures that I always seem to find myself in, and all the fullness in between.
Love you all,