Color Coordinated Running, a Birthday, and a Mysterious Beach Sting: Thinking out Loud (#27)

It’s that time of the week friends, when I share all my random thoughts with you and you dive into how my mind works for a little bit. (I don’t know if that is fun or frightening for you all.) As always, thank you Amanda for hosting!
1. It’s really nice to be back home, but I’m not going to lie, I miss the beach.
2. Speaking of the beach, check out how clear that water is!? I’ve never been in water that is this clear before. Oh, for all you marine experts out there, 😉 while I was swimming in this water, I put my hand down on the sand, in order to help myself up. After I took my hand out of the water, it was all red and it stung like crazy. I have no idea what “stung” me, but if it was a jellyfish, I would feel pretty epic. Anyone have any ideas what that could have been?
3.On the flight back, they served complimentary sparking lime water. My day was made.
4. Yesterday’s run was perfect- 70 degrees and a slight breeze. I would take that type of weather any day of the week.
5. Speaking of yesterday, yesterday was Landon’s birthday! I surprised him with his favorite meal (homemade lasagna) and also made him this:
6. A giant peanut butter chocolate chip cookie! Who needs cake when you have a cookie the size of a cake?
7. My new running shoes match my favorite running shorts. I feel pretty fantastic running now since I am all color coordinated.
Well, I’m signing off for now- I’ll catch you all later! Have a great day.
Share your thoughts, comment below!
1. Have you ever been stung by something in the ocean before? If so, what was it?
2. How do you celebrate birthdays? Do you like cake or cookies better?
3. Anyone else love sparkling water? I can’t get enough of it!