Coffee Date 7/30
Anyways, since I love drinking coffee and chatting about life I figured we should catch up here, with a cup of coffee and a conversation. So grab a cup of your preferred beverage and let’s chat.
First off, we are officially all moved into our new place! I am so thankful for so many sweet friends and family who helped us get all settled – moving is quite the process and we literally couldn’t have done it without our moving crew. We’ve been at our new place for just over four weeks and we’re loving it. It feels good to be somewhat settled and get the space put together before baby #2 comes! I don’t have many pictures yet to share, but once we get a few things put together I will share some on here too!
While we were preparing for moving, I remember feeling so overwhelmed with all of the things to do and get crossed off the list. So thankful that is behind us and we are now settled.
A couple weeks after we moved, we went camping with my family at Camp Forest Springs and it was a legit blast. My family has been there before, but it was both Landon and I first time. We enjoyed so many aspects of the camp, from hearing Rob Reinow of Visionary Family Ministries speak (he’s actually one of the founding pastors of our church – so fun to camp along side his family too!) to paddle boarding (didn’t fall!), watching Landon (and my mom and sisters) dominate on the high ropes course, running a 2 mile race, hanging out with family, and so much more it was a special time. Benaiah loved it and we cannot wait to go back. I also learned I can, in fact, survive without air conditioning at 33 weeks pregnant #winning.
Currently, we are about to head out camping, again, but this time with our church. Just to keep life interesting we are tent camping (I am 34 weeks pregnant right now) so we will see how that goes. I will report back. Honestly though, I am so excited to spend time outside, with my favorite humans, and with our church body. Last years trip was such a trip (check out that sweet photo below) and I can’t wait to waddle along this time too.
Speaking of waddling, I am legit waddling right now. Last Wednesday I went for a run and noticed pain in my right hip/glute area. I didn’t think too much of it, since it felt slightly painful but mostly tight. I went for a mile and then decided to call it since it wasn’t going away. After stopping I immediately noticed walking was even bothering it which wasn’t a good sign. Since then (almost a full week) I’ve been hobbling around and not a lot seems to be helping. It’s been such a bummer to work through, since not only am I not able to run right now, but even more than that is walking and basic life tasks are pretty painful. I am so so thankful for how healthy and active of a pregnancy this has been so far, but this pain is pretty annoying. My goal right now is to hopefully get it to a point where going for walks feels good and go from there. Honestly, I could care less if I run another pregnant mile (I would LOVE to run all the way to due date) but I mainly just want to be pain free and walk around normal. These things always remind me of truly how much I depend on Christ and are eye openers. As much as this hip thing stinks, it has been a gentle (painful?) reminder that my value comes from Christ and I can’t do it all (or anything) in my own strength. So here’s to trusting Jesus and hoping this clears up soon. I went to the chiropractor on Saturday and had a “massage” (it didn’t feel anything like a massage) done on Monday and that definitely has helped! Case in point, if you see a very pregnant lady waddling along side the road pushing a stroller, it’s most likely me and I may need help 😉
I think that is all for now. Thanks for the chat friends. Now, fill me in on what’s happening with you!