Coffee Chat: Happenings Lately


We’ve entered the “I am going to smile for a half second and then be silly for the camera” phase. Man, three is so FULL of adventure and crazy antics and so much joy. London and I were chatting and we both decided that this three year old stage probably has some of the most intense moments we’ve had parenting so far, but also some of the most rewarding moments too. The other day, Benaiah said to me, “Guess what mom?” and after I asked what, he replied, “I love you.” Made my day. Or the other day, I told him that I was feeling discouraged and he repeated Joshua 1:9 to me (Have I not commanded you? be strong and courageous, do not be afraid, do not be discouraged for the Lord your God is with you, wherever you go.”) “Don’t be discouraged mom,” he grinned at me. Day made.

Man, three years old has a lot of emotions and intense moments, but I really really really love it too.


Another recent sweet moment, Benaiah was “reading” to Eliana and explaining all of the pictures in the book to her. I was in the middle of something, but had to stop and snag this picture of the two of them. Can’t handle how sweet this moment was.


My crew. Lately feeling so thankful, pretty tired, and majorly blessed. Love them so much.


In other news, it recently SNOWED? This was in October and we got dumped on. Now that it is November, I am more prepared for the snow and welcome it (okay, maybe welcome it) with slightly open arms. I am so excited for this Christmas and eagerly counting down the days, almost as much as Benaiah.


When I am not taking pictures of the kiddos or counting down the days until Christmas, I’ve been making scrambles lately and they have been hitting the spot. I can tell my body needs something hearty right away in the morning and this has been on repeat lately. I have been scrambling two eggs with either kale or spinach and topping it with a little cheese. I also have added in some roasted potatoes if I have those on hand too, and it’s magical. Breakfast food forever, friends.

And that’s a peek into what our days have been filled with: lots of baby time, lots of snuggles, reading, chaotic moments, runs, and pretty good breakfast bowls.

chat with you all soon!