Coffee Chat 11/25

How in the world is it already the week of Thanksgiving? I couldn’t be more excited about this approaching holiday season and for all things Christmas. Thanksgiving though, is probably my second or third favorite holiday and I am really looking forward to reflecting on God’s goodness this year (we’ve seen Him provide in so many ways!) and let’s be honest, also eating a lot of good food.
Speaking of food, hands down, my top three favorite foods at Thanksgiving is: stuffing (a little crispy on top and soft below. UGH.) sweet potatoes (because those are some of my favorite foods. I don’t like it too sweet, just enough sweetness and crunch on top. I also love it when they are a little savory). and last but not least some sort of pie. Pumpkin, apple, etc. I love it all. And now I am thinking about how much I also enjoy the turkey and the rolls and mac and cheese. Too much to choose from.
On a different sort of note, lately I’ve been going to the library and getting lots of work done (once a week) while my sisters in law watch one or both of the kiddos. It is so nice to get out of the house and focus for a while. Since Niah isn’t napping and getting up really early, it is hard to find time to get the work I want to get done, done. Thankfully, I’ve been able to hire my sweet sister in laws and that gives me time to brain dump for the week and get most everything scheduled/written/prepped and makes the rest of the week a breeze. Thank YOU Nikki and Kayli!
Benaiah is really into imagining lately and I am excited to see his little mind work. A couple weeks ago, Niah and I built a “little house on the prairie” house in my parents backyard and it took me back to my childhood. My siblings and I used to play outside for hours, imaging we were pioneers, forging through the wilderness, building our log cabins, bouncing on our covered wagon, and cooking delicious crab apple pies. Ah, childhood is so magical and I am so happy to watch Benaiah live his.
And that’s a wrap for today. mama is ready for her coffee. Hope you all have a great Monday and an even better Thanksgiving weekend.