Lacking Motivation?

I was asked the other night, ‘what keeps you motivated?’ And I thought about that question for a while, even after answering it (any fellow big mouths out there) And I think that for me, it is has to be more than just my physical 

Monday Meal Planning with the Thompson’s

I decided to get wild on a Monday morning and change up the title on the title of the series (? is that the right word) I have on my blog. How’s that for exciting? Since I typically meal plan, Sunday or Monday, I decided 

Community Fridays > What I am LOVING in the Running Community

This week has been a busy week over here – I can hardly believe it is Friday?! But, hey I am NOT complaining. My sister-in-law’s sweet 16 is today and we are celebrating tomorrow with a fun, family get together. I am more than ready 

An Open Letter to My Seventeen Year Old Self

I sat down the other night thinking about what I would tell my seventeen year old self. That Bethany was wrapped up so tightly in an eating disorder that not many people could break through those walls and speak truth into her life. Quite a 

A Marvelous Weekend

A Marvelous Weekend

Hello friends and happy Tuesday! I am so glad to be with you all today, sharing a little peek into our weekend. Last weekend was one of the best weekends I’ve had for a while. Landon and I only had one thing on the schedule 

Dinner at the Thompson House (Meal for the Week)

Dinner at the Thompson House (Meal for the Week)

Hello friends and happy Monday! This weekend went by all too quickly, but it was a good mixture of some much needed down/family time. On the menu this week – THIS recipe. So excited to try this one out. Before the week get started and 

Community Fridays > What I am LOVING in the Running Community

Hey friends and welcome to the WEEKEND. I really try to not live for the weekend, but I do love Fridays. Friday, Landon and I spend every week, intentionally unplugged with each other. We have a fun date night planned, today including Downtown Abbey, a 

Dinners at the Thompson House (Meals for the Week)

I like to keep life as simple as I can. And one of the ways I like to simplify is through meal planning each week. Some weeks I am better at it than others, but it is the weeks that I do plan my dinners 

Weekend Things = Running + Lots of Family Time

Weekend Things = Running + Lots of Family Time

Hey, hey friends! How are you all on this fine Wednesday? I am checking back in a little late to the game this week, thanks to a crazy weekend (which you will see in a minute) + an unexpected day off for Landon. Amidst all 

COMMUNITY FRIDAYS > What I am LOVING in the Running Community

Before I dive head first into a much needed, unplugged weekend, I want to share my quickly becoming favorite post of the week with you all. COMMUNITY FRIDAYS! What is Community Fridays? Basically, community Fridays is a day that I am dedicating to the running