10 Miles + Coffee Date + Movie Night (Weekend Recap)

Hey there friends and happy Wednesday, I know this blog post is coming a little later in the week than usual, but such is life, right? This past weekend was all sorts of good. Between some rest and downtime, games with friends, and a movie 

Finding Freedom from an Eating Disorder: My Encouragements to You

Finding Freedom from an Eating Disorder: My Encouragements to You

Three plus years. That’s how long I’ve been free from an eating disorder. And you know what? Finding freedom from an eating disorder is still a choice. I will be honest and admit that there are days when I hear those same lies that I 

My Favorite Soundtrack, EVER + Halo Top for Days: Friday Favorites

My Favorite Soundtrack, EVER + Halo Top for Days: Friday Favorites

Hello there and happy Friday! I am super excited to be heading into a quiet and restful weekend, with a few sprinkles of activities in there for variety! I’m hoping to get a long run in (before the rest of the house wakes up), work 

Highlights from a Week of Sickness

Highlights from a Week of Sickness

Honestly, these past couple days, starting last Friday until today have been rough. Benaiah and I have been sharing a nasty cold, which means both of us are more tired and at least one of us (Niah) is a lot more cranky. 

But, I hate not blogging as frequently as I normally do and feeling so disconnected from you all. So, I decided to at least share a few highlights from this week (and last weekend) here on the blog! I’m hoping this weekend we will be feeling a lot better, but we will see. I don’t normally get sick, but this time was an exception and once, again, I am quickly reminded how often I take the gift of good health for granted.

The Art of Balancing Food Freedom and Fitness Goals

The Art of Balancing Food Freedom and Fitness Goals

I truly believe that you can strive after fitness/ health/ fitness goals WHILE maintaining a balanced approach to nutrition. I’ve been on both sides of this before; I’ve lived through a terrible eating disorder and I’ve lived on ‘nutrition doesn’t matter THAT much,’ side of things. However, this year, I’ve realized how much good nutrition, balance, and discipline can affect my own running and fitness goals.

Running Goals and Plans for 2018

Running Goals and Plans for 2018

A new year always does this to me, I always start the year with goals and dreams. And, this year I started by writing out my top 25 desires for the year and of course, some of them involved running goals! Before the month (and 

10 Miles + Chipotle Date (Weekend Highlights)

10 Miles + Chipotle Date (Weekend Highlights)

Oh hey there friends and happy Tuesday! I am coming at you this morning with a weekend recap and just a few photos to share. Man, I’ve been winning the worst blogger of the year award over here with epic fails on the photo department. 

Christmas Weekend 2017

Christmas Weekend 2017

Christmas 2017 was my favorite Christmas of our married life yet. Not because everything was perfect or glamorous, but because we spent extra time together, slowing down and investing in one another. I really tried hard to make this Christmas extra special by slowing down 

Reflections from 2017

Reflections from 2017

Wow. 2017. God taught me so much this year. I learned so much about myself, conquered goals, raised a baby who became a toddler, cried tears, celebrated two blissful years with Landon, drank coffee, ran marathons, and fell in love with Jesus all over again. I entered 2017, in the midst of postpartum anxiety, which felt like a rocky start to 2017. However, it was in that dark place and loneliness that Jesus showed up and showed himself faithful, over and over again.

Reflecting on the Wonder

  Reflecting on the beauty and wonder of this Christmas season. I am continually amazed that an all knowing, all wise, all powerful God came to meet us and be with us. In the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season, it is so easy