Our Vegan Month: Thoughts, What’s Next + My Current Food Mindset

Our Vegan Month: Thoughts, What’s Next + My Current Food Mindset

As promised, I wanted to share with you all a little update into our month of going vegan and share with you all some thoughts on how we liked it, what we found was hard, and what is next for us. As I am sitting 

20 Month Old Birthday Celebrations + Sunshine + Runs (A Day in the Life of)

20 Month Old Birthday Celebrations + Sunshine + Runs (A Day in the Life of)

Hello there friends and happy Wednesday! I hope your day is off to a fabulous start and that you are soaking in some beautiful weather, wherever you may be. This week’s weather has been crazy gorgeous in Chicagoland and I am enjoying every minute outside 

Benaiah: 20 Month Update

I don’t know what it is about 20 months (Benaiah is 20 months TODAY!) but wow, it seems old. And in just four short months, my sweet baby will be turning two. I really cannot wrap my mind around how I will have a two 

Sunday Run Day + Family Time (Weekend Recap)

Sunday Run Day + Family Time (Weekend Recap)

Well hello there friends and happy Monday morning. I hope you are popping over to the blog today feeling refreshed after a relaxing weekend. I wouldn’t quite describe our weekend as relaxing, but it was fun and definitely refreshing. Last week was Landon’s first week 

My Fastest Mile in a Long Time + Friday Thoughts

My Fastest Mile in a Long Time + Friday Thoughts

Hello there and happy Friday friends! I am just coming off of recording a podcast and an amazing 7 mile run, which is making me feel all the Friday feels. < how’s that for a run on sentence? Anyways, I hope you all are having 

Motherhood and Running plus a few scenes from yesterday

Motherhood and Running plus a few scenes from yesterday

Hello there and happy, happy Wednesday! Have we made it to the middle of the week yet? Honestly, this week has gone surprisingly well (Landon just had a job change with longer hours) but it also has felt like two weeks packed into a couple 

Let’s Talk about Injuries…

Let’s Talk about Injuries…

Tuesdays running tips > let’s talk about how to take time off from running and when to know when to take time off. Make sense?   Maybe not, so let me explain.   As runners it is so hard to take days off. Runners are 

Our Last Weekend Before a Big Change

Our Last Weekend Before a Big Change

Well, hello there and happy Monday morning to you! Last weekend was our final weekend before our big change (Landon’s new job!) and it was a super special weekend filled with some of my favorite things with my favorite people. Landon had two weeks off 

My Story with Amenorrhea & Running

My Story with Amenorrhea & Running

Okay guys, this one is for the ladies. Come back for less TMI posting, tomorrow. Okay, now that the guys are gone, let’s get cozy and talk about periods and the lack of periods. I want to first begin saying that I never had super 

Three Ways to Overcome Body Image Struggles

It’s been a little while since I talked about body image on the blog, but I wanted to share a little today. Because lately, I feel like it is something that God has been laying on my heart and naturally, I felt like I had