Recent Favorites: Book/Podcast Edition 

Hello there and happy Friday! I’m super pumped we are this close to the weekend. Landon and I don’t have much planned for this weekend, which is a welcome break from a couple of busy weekends. I am hoping to pop over to the pool 

Food is More than Calories: How Food Affects Performance and Recovery

Food is More than Calories: How Food Affects Performance and Recovery

For the longest time, I thought, “If I eat less, I will be faster, smaller, and an overall better runner.” In the running culture (and really in the fitness world) we think that if we are skinny, we are fit. And if we are skinny, 

Patience > Running: Learning to Master the Art of Patient Training (Emphasis on Learning)

Patience > Running: Learning to Master the Art of Patient Training (Emphasis on Learning)

I think most runners struggle with patience. We want that PR not now, but right now. We want to skip our foam rolling sessions, get faster, faster, and build our mileage way too quickly.  If this injury has taught me anything it’s patience. I’m learning, 

Success Mindset: What I’m Learning this Recovery Cycle 

If I’m being honest, there’s been a lot of injuries where I’ve sported that “Woe is me,” attitude and felt like pitching in the towel. This time, when I got hit with my plantar plate strain, I wanted it to be different. I was definitely 

The Secret to Faster Running 

The Secret to Faster Running 

Would you believe me if I said that by running slower, you can run faster?  So often, runners think that if we want to run faster we have to push the limit, run that red line feeling, run towards our ventilatory threshold on The 

Remember these Truths: ED and Body Image Issues & Truths that Give Freedom

If you’ve ever struggled with an ED or really just lived through middle school, you most likely haven’t liked certain areas of your body. Or maybe you’ve had people call you fat. Or maybe you’ve felt like left out of things and in turn, questioned 

Food Freedom and Fitness Goals > Can they Coexist?

Food Freedom and Fitness Goals > Can they Coexist?

Lately, I’ve been wrestling with this question: CAN I still have food freedom (to me food freedom means being able to eat WHATEVER without guilt or shame) and still be able to have some big fitness goals at the expense of certain foods (which may 

A REALLY GOOD WEEKEND (Father’s Day 2018)

A REALLY GOOD WEEKEND (Father’s Day 2018)

Hello there beloved readers and friends, I am coming to you on a glorious Monday feeling nothing but refreshed and ready for this week. This weekend was the first in a really, really long time (like almost a month?) that we had zero plans all 

Four Ways to Increase Your Speed and Fitness as a Runner

Four Ways to Increase Your Speed and Fitness as a Runner

  One of the top desires most runners have is to get faster and have better racing PRs. However, many runners don’t know HOW to get faster. It seems like there is this glass ceiling that we just can’t break through.   Ever feel like